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DAI Mod Manager and Frosty Mod Manager running together issue


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Good day to everyone!

I have issues, i tried all troubleshouting advices on nexus and YT channels, but still daimod mods dont work when i launching frosty (only frosty mods running) but both mod tools runs okay apart 😞



I tried change version of the patch for both package.mft, tried reinstall mods for both programs, delete Frosty folder in AppData, delete ModData, idk what else to do... Please help me. πŸ˜”Thank you in advance anyway!

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Hey! That error message means what it says - it's saying that, instead of the game's original patch folder, you have the DAI mod manager merged mods folder as the patch folder. This makes sense, since most tutorials about using both DA:I mod manager and frosty mod manager together involve renaming the DAI merged mods folder into the patch folder.

So, basically, the DA:I mod manager is asking you to replace your modified Patch folder with the original games Patch folder - most tutorials should generally tell you to make a backup of the original somewhere for this reason, but if you didn't make a backup before you replaced it, you can repair the game to remedy that, I believe there should be a button for it in EA desktop somewhere, but if there's not, and you didn't make a backup of the Patch folder, you may need to take more drastic measures, and reinstall the game. 

It's also worth noting, that I'm pretty sure that all the DA:I mod manager mods you pictured are safe to load via frosty mod manager directly and they should work just fine, as non of them edit any files that would be problematic in frosty, and frosty mod manager does accept da:i mod manager files - it can be finicky about some of them, mainly, da:i mod manager texture edit files, but you don't have any of those, so, there's not really a need for you to be using 2 mod managers at the same time for that particular mod setup, anyways. Frosty may give you a message that "this mod was designed for a different patch version, it may or may not work", but this is just a generic disclaimer that shows up on all da:i mod manager mods and can be ignored, they should still work fine. 

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