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[Help] Add new recipe


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Greetings to you great coders! 🙂

I am asking you for help.
It seems like a simple question, but I couldn't handle it 😞
I want to add a new alchemy recipe to the game (all ingredients for crafting and the final item are standard).
I don't want to edit an existing recipe, but I want to add a second crafting option for the item.
What do I need to do for this?

P.S. Game version: 1.31-1.32

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Tesumoto. No one read topics here. You should join various Witcher Discord server, so people there will better help you.
Also, when you're making mods. We strongly recommend you do mod on Next Gen, as it becomes the standard version. You can keep making classic, but it would be more appreciable if they are Next Gen Compatible (and that, means using Next Gen files).

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