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Cyberpunk 2077 not fully loading - stuck at red, spinning icon


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Hi All,

New to Cyberpunk 2077 and still new to the latest version of Vortex.    

  • Loaded game and mods in Vortex - including all required mods
  • Got the Extension for the game
  • Loaded mods and Enabled them
  • ran REDmod to put them in the latest order 
  • went to STEAM to verify game files

Made sure the game loads normally if I don't use Vortex.  Started and saved a game.

  1. Would run it through Vortex, but it would do the intro movie and then do nothing at the end.   I would hit every key possible and it wouldn't do anything else.
  2. Installed the mod that skipped the intro movie and went through all the steps above for REDmod order and verifying the game in Steam.
  3. When I run the game now, it skips the movie and has a black screen with a red, spinning icon in the upper right corner.  It's like it's loading.   After 30 minutes of waiting, I think it's not doing anything more.  

Any advice?  I was looking online here or Reddit to have something similar, but no dice.   I had a number of other fixes that I have incorporated to my troubleshooting, but no luck.


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Further trouble shooting.   I disabled all mods and ran the game from Vortex.    It gets locked at the end of the intro movie like before.    

So, if it's not a specific mod....what is causing it to not move from movie to menu?    

When I launched the game normally, it did flash the black screen with red, spinning icon in the upper right corner for a sec or two as it loaded between menus.  It seems the game is locking up trying to load the start menu.

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