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Krazymans Mod Ideas List...


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Krazymans Mod Ideas List...


1. Hardcore Swimming


A Swimsuit is required to go Swimming, without it, you sink straight to the bottom. I played on Skyrim, that did that with Devious Devices. Swimming was not allowed, when in certain Devious Devices.

This would add a bit of Realism... minus Nora travelling with half a Ton of gear. But she'd have to move only on land, as she'd have reduced Carryweight, when not wearing Armour with Deep Pockets. As well as be more vulnerable to getting shot, in the Water.



- Swimsuit only


For Devious Devices users...

- Handcuffs stop swimming

- Armbinders stop swimming



Competition Swimsuit

Competition Swimsuit Treasure Hunt KP

or any Swimsuit mod...


How it works...

SAKR Tags mods adds Skimpy Armor Keywords Tags, just add some more Tags to it.


New Tags...

- SAKR Allow Swimming


Required Mods... Warning Adult modding Site, Lovers Lab.

- SAKR Tags main

- Krazyones SAKR Tags


Either use those mods, or make your own Tags.

Script... Swimming Script, looks for Tags, No Tags = No Swimming.




Edited by Krazyman999
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