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high43983959 - Formal Warning Issued

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Formal Warning Issued - high43983959

high43983959 has received a formal warning for violating our community rules.


Publicly accusing another member of wrongdoing outside of the reporting system
Threatening the said member to continue posting such comments, if the said member/mod author "deletes" them
Provoking angry responses by another member

16 August 2024, 5:33PM (hidden by a member of the staff 16 August 2024, 7:58PM):
来来来,解释一下为甚么Gunfighter Device里有的文件你这也有,而且连文件的MD5值都一样?从我群里偷东西走,我三令五申里面含有别人的资产不能发,你居然还搞二次加工发上来,也好意思去骂人家横月,偷东西抓包那天晚上老何、xxx、334能给我三分都对不上的谈话记录,也真亏你有这么厚脸皮睁眼说瞎话啊,自己偷完mod还舔着脸说是你偷来的mod影响你和你粉丝联机了,甚至今天还又跑回去找横月要你偷出来的东西,无耻到极点,当贼被抓一次我当你是意外,连着一件事被抓包两次你居然还有脸发到N网上,真就给脸不要脸呗?爹妈没教过你什么叫瓜田李下?居然在横月面前还大言不惭说什么“都是公开的”,你当真横月什么都不知道

17 August 2024, 6:35AM
敢偷东西不敢承认是吧,还删评,要不要我把网页快照和那天你和334的通话录音也给你贴出来?https://web.archive.org/web/20240000000000*/https://www.nexusmods.com/readyornot/mods/4554?tab=posts 给脸不要脸那我就奉陪到底,你删多少次我发多少次 来来来,解释一下为甚么Gunfighter Device里有的文件你这也有,而且连文件的MD5值都一样?从我群里偷东西走,我三令五申里面含有别人的资产不能发,你居然还搞二次加工发上来,也好意思去骂人家横月,偷东西抓包那天晚上老何、xxx、334能给我三分都对不上的谈话记录,也真亏你有这么厚脸皮静眼说瞎话啊,自己偷完mod还舔着脸说是你偷来的mod影响你和你粉丝联机了,甚至今天还又跑回去找横月要你偷出来的东西,无耻到极点,当贼被抓次我当你是意外,连着一件事被抓包两次你居然还有脸发到网上,真就给脸不要脸呗?爹妈没教过你什么叫瓜田李下?居然在横月面前还大言不惭说什么“都是公开的”,你当真横月什么都不知道?

Google translation will be posted on the Formal Warning Thread.

From the Forum and Commenting Guidelines
Be Civil
We do not tolerate 'trolling' or harassment of any kind.

Be Relevant!
Though we welcome all nationalities, all posts and comments should be written in English if possible. Please feel free to use a translation service, if desired and/or required.

Reporting Inappropriate Content
You are encouraged to report content that may violate the standards described in this document. For more information, see our Reporting Guidelines ( https://help.nexusmods.com/article/21-reporting-guidelines ). Public accusations made outside of the reporting systems may be subject to moderation.


Below are links to where the infractions took place (where relevant). Some links may point to hidden, deleted or restricted content that can only be accessed by moderators.

Account Restrictions

As part of the warning, high43983959 has been restricted from using the following features:

Restrictions: [
This user cannot post comments on a specific file for the foreseeable future].

Moderation History

Warning issued by zcul. This user has now received a total of 0 formal warning(s).

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Comments (Google translation):



16 August 2024, 5:33PM
Come on, explain why you also have the files in Gunfighter Device, and even the MD5 values of the files are the same? Stealing things from my group, I repeatedly told you that other people’s assets cannot be distributed, but you actually did secondary processing and distributed them, and you had the nerve to scold them for the hengyue. What could Lao He, xxx, and 334 give me on the night when I was caught stealing things? I can't even match the conversation record. It's a shame that you are so shameless and tell lies. After you stole the mod, you still licked your face and said that it was the mod you stole that affected the connection between you and your fans. Even today You also ran back to find the things that Hengyue asked you to steal. You are so shameless. When you were caught as a thief once, I thought it was an accident. But when you were caught twice in a row for the same thing, you actually had the nerve to post it on the N Internet. Really Just be shameless? Didn't your parents teach you what melon fields and plum trees are? You actually brazenly said that "everything is public" in front of Hengyue. Do you really think that Hengyue doesn't know anything?

17 August 2024, 6:35AM
You dare to steal something but dare not admit it, right? You also deleted the comment. Do you want me to post the snapshot of the web page and the recording of the call between you and 334 that day? https://web.archive.org/web/20240000000000*/https://www.nexusmods.com/readyornot/mods/4554?tab=posts

If you are shameless, I will stick with you until the end. I will post as many times as you delete.

Come on, explain why you also have the files in Gunfighter Device, and even the MD5 values ofthe files are the same? Stealing things from my group, I repeatedly told you that other people’s assets cannot be distributed, but you actually did secondary processing and distributed them, and you had the nerve to scold them for the hengyue. What could Lao He, xxx, and 334 give me on the night when I was caught stealing things? I can’t even match the record of the conversation. It’s a shame that you are so shameless and lie quietly. After stealing the mod, you still lick your face and say that the mod you stole affected the connection between you and your fans. Even today You also ran back to find the things that Hengyue asked you to steal. You are so shameless. When the thief was caught twice, I thought it was an accident. But you were caught twice in a row and you actually had the nerve to post it on the Internet. It's really shameful. Shameless? Didn't your parents teach you what melon fields and plum trees are? You actually brazenly said that "everything is public" in front of Hengyue. Do you really think that Hengyue doesn't know anything?

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