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Stardew Valley

Are there any mods that add selective breeding like Minecraft does with horses?


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I'd love to be able to breed farm animals for specific traits (frequency of produce, quality of produce, colour, something like that) instead of the random pregnancy and flat stats that we have at the moment. If there isn't already one and someone is interested in creating one, I'm a digital artist and can create all the sprites, and can discuss a commission price for your work in creating it if interested. Of course you'll be able to post it wherever you like once it's done, as long as there's a note about my artwork in the description. DM me!

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Hi SugarNeill!

I'd love to look into creating a mod like this if someone else hasn't already! I'm very new to mod creation so if someone with more experience would like too, I'd love to check it out once done.

I believe what the traits could be the colour of the farm animal and quality of product. 
Example: Brown Cow with Iridium Quality Milk breeds with White Cow with Gold Quality Milk could have a Baby that has a chance of 50% for White variation, 50% Brown variant, 25% Gold Quality product, 75% Iridium Quality product?

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