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Chaz2006 - Formal Warning Issued

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Formal Warning Issued - Chaz2006

Chaz2006 has received a formal warning for violating our community rules.


Demanding attitude
Condescendingly criticising mod authors for enforcing their right to control the usage of their assets
Belittling other members and their contents
Offensive language directed at other members and the staff

Comments (excerpts):
06 July 2024, 2:49PM
- the same people bitching about this mod and his racism mod are the same people telling those on the WOKE nvse and PRONOUNS nvse mod a few days back
- this is nexus, they went irate over a flag mod in spider-man. be careful, they will ban you if you start insulting their non theistic religion and its principles.
- anything that brings heresy to their sacred symbols and defacing their religions iconography, like a certain multi colored flag

06 July 2024, 8:13PM
- its amazing how easily you people will latch on to any bait you see. gonna look at my comment tomorrow and see how many more of you get angry
- thats the kinda dude to call everyone a nazi

15 August 2024, 1:54PM
- the policy was put into effect so schizo mod authors that delete their mods every 15 seconds, like *********
- the nightmare of every psuedo intellectual pretentious artist that thinks everything they put out is gods gift to the earth
- ****** will just go back to making s*** post mods after this, cackling with his ever dwindling discord server
- ive never quite understood making a mod, or putting anything on the internet, and then deleting it. i have the same problems with **********
- youre going to have assholes, trolls and toxicity, thats just how it is dude. alot of nexus modders cant handle even the slightest form of assholishness.
- and now youve reduced yourself to a shitposter.
- just because something is put out for free, doesnt make it above criticism, the author above criticism
- i dont do the "bUt iTs FrEe bRo" bullshit. the Frontier is free, is it and the weirdos that made it above criticism because "its free bro, they made it in their free time" f*#@ no.

Entire comments (copies) will be posted on the thread.

From the Forum and Commenting Guidelines
We do not tolerate 'trolling' or harassment of any kind. Do not belittle, discredit, or aggressively criticise another member or their content. If you do not like something or have nothing constructive to add, it's best to simply move along.

Content that can be construed as provocative, objectionable, discriminatory, or abusive toward any real-world individual or group, may be subject to moderation. This includes but is not limited to content involving politics, race, religion, gender identity, sexuality, or social class.

Do not post with the intent of provoking an angry response or argument over a topic (“flame baiting”).

Do not post personally or generally insulting remarks towards someone else, or a group of people.

No profanity. It is perfectly possible to express yourself using civil language. Do not attempt to circumvent the profanity filter.

Within this community, you are not inherently entitled to another's time, work, or creations. Comments or posts that imply otherwise may be subject to moderation.


Below are links to where the infractions took place (where relevant). Some links may point to hidden, deleted or restricted content that can only be accessed by moderators.

Account Restrictions

As part of the warning, Chaz2006 has been restricted from using the following features:

Restrictions: [
This user cannot post comments on the sites or forums for 21 days].

Moderation History

Warning issued by zcul. This user has now received a total of 1 formal warning(s).

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Entire comments (walls of text):

06 July 2024, 2:49PM
i like this guy. he brings out the hypocrites. the same people bitching about this mod and his racism mod are the same people telling those on the WOKE nvse and PRONOUNS nvse mod a few days back, that its just a joke and you shouldnt take mods seriously. hes also a boundary pusher, i like that, stretch the rules to see just how much you can get away with. although, my friend you need to understand, this is nexus, they went irate over a flag mod in spider-man. be careful, they will ban you if you start insulting their non theistic religion and its principles. anything that brings heresy to their sacred symbols and defacing their religions iconography, like a certain multi colored flag (gotta be careful here, ill be banned for blasphemy).

06 July 2024, 8:13PM
its like net fishing, throw your net out, leave for awhile, comeback, and you got a bunch of angry fish in your net to enjoy. its amazing how easily you people will latch on to any bait you see. gonna look at my comment tomorrow and see how many more of you get angry. i got a good laugh, the CHUD dude was my favorite, i just know thats the kinda dude to call everyone a nazi. i learned a new word, had to look up what that meant, last time i ever heard someone say chud was in the 90s with that C.H.U.D the T.H.U.D.D movie.

15 August 2024, 1:54PM
don't bet on it. we just completely lost *********. dude nuked his nexus account, youtube, everything. had the same nexus policy that ***** here left over not went into effect, *******s mods would have become lost. the policy was put into effect so schizo mod authors that delete their mods every 15 seconds, like *********, and other vital mods couldnt be deleted (we got to see a glimpse of how bad that would be when the creator of the f04 mod menu deleted his mods over the russian ukraine war), and preservation of ones work - the nightmare of every psuedo intellectual pretentious artist that thinks everything they put out is gods gift to the earth - . ****** will just go back to making s*** post mods after this, cackling with his ever dwindling discord server. his mods eventually being nostalgic and sad, when you think of the mans potential and what could have been. man was about to reach his peak, but left. its been 3 years since his last real mod. he aint coming back, hes done, just like ********

15 August 2024, 10:37PM
if you put something on the internet, expect it to be there forever, people to tweak and do whatever they want with it. if i ever do make a mod, one in the works, i will never take it down, and allow others to tweak and use it as they wish. if there comes a day i cant take care of it, ill allow the community to. ive never quite understood making a mod, or putting anything on the internet, and then deleting it. i have the same problems with **********. i enjoyed his youtube videos, then he just up and deletes ALL of them. if youre gonna delete something, why upload it in the first place?  as for ******, i wasnt referring to you when i mentioned the "pseudo-intellectual pretentious artist " line. i had ************ and a few others in mind. not you. your mods are still up. when you speak or interact with anyone, in any setting, forum or community, youre going to have assholes, trolls and toxicity, thats just how it is dude. alot of nexus modders cant handle even the slightest form of assholishness. thats life dude. the Ego alot of modders on this site have, has gotten out of control. And yes, the reasoning you gave when you retired was over the nexus back up policy. you have alot of talent dude, you was being seen as *********** and in some ways, surpassing him. ive played all your mods and really enjoyed them, they are mainstays in my playthroughs, i see what you can do, and it just sucks that youre going down the path of ******* and several other talented mod authors. you release banger after banger, something happens or whatever, and you never get around to finishing what you set out to do. you have so much talent with these mods, and now youve reduced yourself to a shitposter. its like the internet equivilant of a once talented craftsman, now reduced to an alcoholic. i hope you do come back one day. but the more time passes, the more i feel like it will never happen.as for ******, just because something is put out for free, doesnt make it above criticism, the author above criticism. i dont do the "bUt iTs FrEe bRo" bullshit. the Frontier is free, is it and the weirdos that made it above criticism because "its free bro, they made it in their free time" f*#@ no.

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