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'Downgrading' Mods for previous Versions


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I've gone down to the Legacy 1.5.6 version on my laptop, while playing 1.6 on my desktop PC, and was aiming to download the appropriate mods for it. SMAPI and CP work fine, with the specific instructions on which version is for legacy.

But some mods don't seem to have any version of those.
For example, I want to grab the Seasonal Outfits for SV and SVE, but they usually say they need CP version 2.0.0 at least to function, but that isn't the appropriate version for legacy. Is there a way a layman like I can easily 'downgrade' a mod to work with CP 1.30 and/or SMAPI 3.18?


EDIT: Looking around and it seems that, at least for the seasonal outfits one, I can simply go into the manifest.json file and alter the 'Minimum API Version' to 3.18 and it works and loads up fine.


Edited by CatMuto
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