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Infinite Loading Extensions screen upon opening Vortex.


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Vortex wont open its just stuck on loading extensions, this happened after i updated to the latest version. And after a few days of use I had to restart vortex. I've restarted multiple times, repaired all my C++ extensions and nothing has worked. I've used the command prompt command "Vortex.exe --set settings.workarounds.userSymlinks=false" To see if that would fix it and that proved no use either.
Uninstalling vortex isnt really an option either since i was at 99% of installing an extremely large collection that's taken nearly 4 days to download and I would like to have a fix other than just completely having to start from scratch.

I would include my vortex.log but the forum wont allow me to attach it without giving an upload failed error.
So here's a link on a temporary text file host: https://nopaste.net/OwfM5OuD6p



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How long did you wait on that startup screen? Looks like you may be on a low-spec machine as the log indicates 4GB RAM. You were downloading a large file in the collection that was a DynoLOD output, which was probably over a gigabyte. If you have slow storage, it can take some time to clean up large files like that. 

The log also shows Vortex launching multiple instances with command line arguments. Were you launching the program multiple times while waiting for it to start? Are you running the program with custom arguments? This is generally not recommended by the Vortex team. 


2024-08-23T18:56:18.095Z [WARN] mod was not installed completelely and will be removed {"mod":{"archiveId":"B1x-2o4iC","attributes":{"installTime":"2024-08-23T16:54:18.784Z","name":"DOMAIN DyndoLOD Output 6.Ultra Part 2-99737-6Ultra-2-1724022234"},"id":"DOMAIN DyndoLOD Output 6.Ultra Part 2-99737-6Ultra-2-1724022234","installationPath":"DOMAIN DyndoLOD Output 6.Ultra Part 2-99737-6Ultra-2-1724022234","state":"installing","type":""},"fullPath":"E:\\Vortex Mods\\Downloads\\DOMAIN DyndoLOD Output 6.Ultra Part 2-99737-6Ultra-2-1724022234"}
2024-08-23T18:57:34.106Z [ERROR] render process gone {"exitCode":1,"reason":"killed"}
2024-08-23T18:57:34.110Z [INFO] Vortex closing 
2024-08-23T18:57:34.111Z [INFO] clean application end 
2024-08-23T18:59:24.478Z [DEBUG] getting arguments from second instance ["E:\\Program Files\\Black Tree Gaming Ltd\\Vortex\\Vortex.exe","--allow-file-access-from-files","--disable-features=WidgetLayering","--disable-features=UseEcoQoSForBackgroundProcess","--source-shortcut=C:\\ProgramData\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Start Menu\\Programs\\Black Tree Gaming Ltd\\Vortex.lnk"]
2024-08-23T18:59:24.479Z [DEBUG] getting arguments from second instance ["E:\\Program Files\\Black Tree Gaming Ltd\\Vortex\\Vortex.exe","--allow-file-access-from-files","--disable-features=WidgetLayering","--disable-features=UseEcoQoSForBackgroundProcess","--source-shortcut=C:\\ProgramData\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Start Menu\\Programs\\Black Tree Gaming Ltd\\Vortex.lnk"]
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