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CTD Load Order... Cannot get it right...


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Maybe post up your mod list? :)


You could always try seeing if it will run without any mods, if it does then try activating one plug in at a time and seeing which one is breaking your game. I've done that before (just using the plugins section on NMM so I don't have to uninstall the mods themselves). It could also be that you have too many mods for your computer to handle or something broke along the way.

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So I got it running. I took out all of my animation mods and only left the PCEA or whatever its called, one... It allowed me to start a new game of course I used FNIS for deactivating and activating the animations and everything. I have found that there are a bunch of mods I don't care for i.e. Frostfall and Needs and all that jazz... It's just a personal thing. I just personally don't see why I want to play Skyrim as a Simulator instead of as a game. Even if I mod it. Some people like it I find it pulls me away form playing and enjoying the content. so Needs is easy to uninstall Frostfall... well I won't go there.I mean I do love the idea of Frostfall and needs its just I find it extremely tedious and annoying. Again. That's just me. Some people love it. I don't. Maybe if somehow I could learn to play using Frostfall and Needs I'd use them. I love loading up on mods... Frostfall I've found doesn't like this. I wonder what the max amount of mods is when you have Frostfall running.

I makes me mad when my game keeps telling me that I am running too many mods with Frostfall and that Frostfall cannot run properly because I have "Too Many Mods Running" ok how many is "Too Many"?

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Sorta seems like you're making stuff up there buddy. :/
I have 200+ plugins and I can run Frostfall and RN&D just fine.
The limit for plugins is 244, the engine can't handle anymore than that.
BUT, RND and Frostfall will run fine with any amount of mods, just start reading the descriptions for every mod you install.

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I'm running that much myself and it keeps telling me that my system is running too slow. So, no I'm not making anything up... 244? I thought it was 255... The description of Frostfall says to pick your mods and to limit them last I checked. I maybe wrong. Thanks for the replies and the info. I gave you a thumbs up. Thanks for telling me how to do that too. If not for you I'd be still banging my head against the wall... And not playing Skyrim on my PC.

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Well, you can load any amount of plugins without getting CTD's. Loading too many plugins causes game engine errors, like the game loading (error) everywhere instead of models and textures. I've never CTD'd from too many plugins.

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I just got a CTD from walking into the Dorm rooms in the College of Winterhold. Weird though... I walked in there with one save and it was find. Then started a new character and it CTDed. Weird... I made no changes to my mods at all. It just CTDed just because... So weird...

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