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Why no love for Duel Combat Realism Hardcore?


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Am running with this one for combat and the difference is staggering (pun!).


The AI actors work together to flank, they stay alert after an arrow instead of giving up i.e. real life behaviour of people looking for shooter (me) for a long time as opposed to "oh well, so Karl got killed, lets ignore this and get back to idles".


And the combat mechanic is great - shields and blocking are useful, and when a hit connects it hurts, as it should.

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Just a personal preference but I prefer melee combat where the opponent isn't constantly in block/parry mode, which seems to be the case with Duel and SkyRe's combat. Maybe I'm just too used to Chivalry's combat by now and expect too much from what Skyrim's combat engine is capable of...

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Yeah but they don't seem to be doing it as often. With these mods active they always seem to be perpetually blocking whenever they're in a 3 meter radius of me. In Chivalry you can't spam block, it's only active for a very short time so you have to actually make an effort to time it for an incoming attack.

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