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Stardew Valley

No Cellar Door


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I've just upgraded my house to the biggest size, but I don't see the cellar door - it's just the flat wall at the bottom of the kitchen - and I haven't received the cask recipe. The rest of the house upgrade is visible and functional.

Here is my SMAPI log: https://smapi.io/log/e374fccf81834e1f972f14142fa18493

The only mod that seemed to touch anything relating to the farmhouse was Platonic Partners and Friendships, but the glitch persists even when I remove it. I'll keep tinkering with removing non-load-bearing mods, and I'll update this post if I figure it out, but if anyone knows which mod causes this issue (or can recommend one that will let me cheat around it, or a way to edit the cask recipe into my save file so I can just stick them in the shed, etc) that would be great.

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Search engine travellers of the future, I still don't know which mod caused this, or if it's even repairable, since for all I know the glitch affected the house upgrade event rather than just the map.

I did find sort of a workaround, if you're also stuck on this. I downloaded Casks in Buildings and gave myself the cask recipe with SMAPI console commands. I will never know the loving embrace of the cellar, but I can at least build casks, shove them in the chicken coop, and get aged wine for the final community bundle.

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