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Creation Kit - Scripting Percentage Chance

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Hello i just mad a mod called The Gospel of RNGesus and i have notice some flaws mostly in the enchanting department

so the tldr is the mod is a 1 handed weapon that has a d20 on the end of the handle the purpose is that when you reforge the blade it comes or well its suppose to come with a random effect like chaos enchantment

my issue is that using chaos as the foundation my other effects are not working as entended like having a chance to trigger another mob into the fight or changing the target into one item like dragon bones 

i have been youtubeing this and most has me trying scripts but im scared that i may break the game can some one help me


this is the script i just copyed from a video but it also wants me to make a quest with out explaing anything else 

Scriptname DiceEffectScript extends activemagiceffect  

    Int Property PercentageChance Auto

    Event OnInit()
        if Utility.RandomInt(0, 20) == PercentageChance
            ;Do stuff

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