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What is punk?


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As have I, but isn't the point of joining the music biz; to make it big? And wouldn't that necesssarily put you into the mainstream, or atleast into a position of being known widley?



-The Raven-dreading work...

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And yet I've heard of the Ramones, and heard their music, as have loads of others.

Well what I meant was they didn't get incredibly famous outside the punk business when they were active.


EDIT-Again I posted on the wrong account :embarassed: , take this as a reply from me(Fishystick)

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The Ramones never had a Radio Hit??? What about "I wanna be Sedated"??? I hear that all the time, and it was popular for it's time. That song was extremely popular, even outside of the Punk Rock Community. Green Day turned away from their so-called Punk Rock image after Dookie, they got to famous.


Elrol, not everyone makes Muzik to become famous, some just want their message heard, and some just want to make Muzik. It's not always about making Money. But, money does change people, and will lead a good, hard hitting band into sheer crap. KoRn was a band like that, after Life Is Peachy they changed, cause of the money. They made Follow the Leader which was completely different from their first 2 albums.


And, no one can technically state what kind of Muzik one band is or isnt, it's up to the Listener to descide how they feel about it. If it's Punk to you, then thats what it is.

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