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Just another tree mod, sort of


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Aside from Bent Pines (which places gnarled pines very sparsely) and Immersive Fallen Trees (which is really a bridge mod) most of the popular tree mods use models of picture perfect specimens that look like they were cultivated in a nursery. Graphically they're very appealing but they don't reflect the reality of forests which is that a lot trees are misshapen, broken, diseased, leaning, tragically unique, you get the idea.

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Have you seen any of the localized Blubbos reforestaiton mods? The Author's trees look quite normal to me, ie, natural. I have one blubbos mod that refreshed Riverwood and adds a bunch of large trees, all of which resemble real trees that have been growing in my very real neighborhood for the past century.

(No, they're not the broken ones you want, but they also aren't the sort of cookie cutter trees one you seem to be claiming are dominant in tree replacers, so they do fulfill the "not the sort of thing you'd buy at a Home Depot" or "dot the local golf course grass lawned HOA" part of it)

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Ftr, fwiw, there are a ton of tree replacers and tree addons on nexus. Blubbos is just one of the exceptional ones, but not alone

"tree" in the search box should provide a ton of entries to look at and decide if 'good enough'. 

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