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Hogwarts Legacy

Mod Request: Silencio Enchanted Loom


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Despite the fact that we are not actively using it 99% of the time, the Enchanted Loom is always working. And creaking. And groaning. And slamming. And thumping. I've reworked my entire Room of Requirement layout to put it in the most remote corner possible and it's still driving me absolutely insane. I'd love to see a mod that mutes (or even just significantly lowers the volume and/or sound radius of) the Enchanted Loom, maybe even ceasing the animation as well. Heck, even leaving in the sound of the wheel spinning and just taking out the thumping/creaking would be a drastic improvement. (Why is it always going anyways?! What is it doing?! Please save my witch from life in St. Mungos.)

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