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Baldur's Gate 3

Mod Request, Follow Multiplayer Players with AI Follower System


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Hey, with the new toolkit I was planning on making this mod (or trying to) but with not a lot of resources yet I'm certainly out of luck with my current skills so I thought I'd try my luck here

My idea and would be implementation is pretty much a button in the context menu in multiplayer that says "Follow" and by pressing it your player character will follow whoever else you pressed it on just like the AI will when they are controlled and grouped by a player, for disabling this follow feature I imagine either any kind of movement/skill/spell would turn it off or maybe pressing the button again.

To me it seems like its something that should've been in the main game functionality for multiplayer from the beginning but hey that's what mods are for. If its not possible Id love to hear why ๐Ÿ˜„

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