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Crash log from Ostim modding

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Was trying to do install ostim and a few other nsfw mods and whenever I start a new game and go to the female character option in the character creator the game will immeadiatly crash. Looking through the probable call stack it mentions consoleutil and hdtSMP64, but I don't know what is wrong with them, any ideas.


Skyrim SSE v1.6.1170
CrashLoggerSSE v1-14-1-0 May 18 2024 23:00:58

Unhandled exception "EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION" at 0x7FF758809843 SkyrimSE.exe+0CE9843    call [rdi+0x10]

    OS: Microsoft Windows 11 Home v10.0.22631
    CPU: AuthenticAMD AMD Ryzen 5 7520U with Radeon Graphics         
    GPU #1: AMD Mendocino
    GPU #2: Microsoft Basic Render Driver
    PHYSICAL MEMORY: 7.06 GB/7.24 GB
    GPU MEMORY: 0.99/3.69 GB
    Detected Virtual Machine: Microsoft Virtual PC/Hyper-V (100%)

    [ 0] 0x7FF758809843       SkyrimSE.exe+0CE9843 -> 69036+0x53    call [rdi+0x10]
    [ 1] 0x7FF757E5D8D9       SkyrimSE.exe+033D8D9 -> 21891+0x59    test eax, eax
    [ 2] 0x7FFDF8A381CB ConsoleUtilSSE.dll+00281CB
    [ 3] 0x7FFDF8A2624F ConsoleUtilSSE.dll+001624F
    [ 4] 0x7FFDF8A2B01C ConsoleUtilSSE.dll+001B01C
    [ 5] 0x7FFDF8A26D27 ConsoleUtilSSE.dll+0016D27
    [ 6] 0x7FF758F5DE05       SkyrimSE.exe+143DE05 -> 104651+0x205    test al, al
    [ 7] 0x7FF758F6EAF9       SkyrimSE.exe+144EAF9 -> 104853+0x789    mov r14d, eax
    [ 8] 0x7FF758F6F7B3       SkyrimSE.exe+144F7B3 -> 104857+0x193    call 0x00007FF7587EA240
    [ 9] 0x7FF758F64314       SkyrimSE.exe+1444314 -> 104767+0x104    lea r8, [rbp+0x67]
    [10] 0x7FF7584E09E7       SkyrimSE.exe+09C09E7 -> 53926+0xEE7    test r15b, r15b
    [11] 0x7FF7581663D8       SkyrimSE.exe+06463D8 -> 36564+0x538    xorps xmm1, xmm1
    [12] 0x7FFDABAF11C9       hdtSMP64.dll+00C11C9    cmp byte ptr [rbx+0x10], 0x00 |  C:\Games\Faster HDT-SMP\skse64_2_02_06\src\skse64\hdtSMP64\Hooks.cpp:314 ?onFrame@UnkEngine@hdt@@QEAAXXZ
    [13] 0x7FF75815EAD5       SkyrimSE.exe+063EAD5 -> 36544+0x165    test bl, bl
    [14] 0x7FF75905BB8E       SkyrimSE.exe+153BB8E -> 109636+0x106    mov ebx, eax
    [15] 0x7FFE4350257D       KERNEL32.DLL+001257D
    [16] 0x7FFE44D4AF28          ntdll.dll+005AF28

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