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7 Days To Die

Can someone make a mod where you can use a repair fills in holes


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Since A21.2 and ff, you can activate the block respawn, this will repair all holes destroyed buildings and and and....

example  2 Days:   this will all repair after 2 days after last visiting the place. This command you will find in the Game option.

on the screen is 7 days, that is ok when you play alone, (it will not set back in the claim zone but on the rest of the map after last visiting # Days)



Edited by BlackPanther0001
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MP: Server

on MP Server you set max 2 Days.

<property name="MaxChunkAge"                   value="2"/>                 <!-- The number of in-game days which must pass since visiting a chunk before it will reset to its original state if not revisited or protected (e.g. by a land claim or bedroll being in close proximity). -->
Edited by BlackPanther0001
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