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Mods wont load into game (patch 6)


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ive been modding baldurs gate for a while, using bgmm and today somthing stopped working

i havent updated to patch 7 yet so thats not the problem, the situation is:

my mod load order is as it usually is, i save the load order and refresh to see if everything right, nothing changes so i think im set, i launch the game from lari launcher but my mods are not in the game (the game gives the warning that theyre not active) i tried again and launched it from bgmm and nothing changed. im wondering what some of the problems could be so i can try troubleshooting it but right now im unsure of whats wrong or different


from further testing it seems the problem was that my public and defult_profile_1 seemed to get mixed up some how as i checked modsettings files

edit 2:

it stopped working honestly i have no idea whats going on

Edited by Sadkoslute
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After switching back from patch 7 to patch 6 my game was working again but out of 300+ installed mods 3 mods weren't working. These 3 mods were also locked in the load order (Vortex). 

After a Vortex extension update yesterday none of the installed mods are working now, but the one thing I've noticed is that there are 4 mods locked in the load order now and the fourth mod locked is Mod Fixer.

I'm not an expert when it comes to modding but I'm sure if Mod Fixer isn't loading on start-up then none of the other mods are loaded I guess? I don't know I could be wrong.

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