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Request: Custom Habs


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Greetings to all modmakers.

I Would like to request several habs, mainly so X by X by 2X habs based on Deimos's interrior.
Most of all i'd like them to be completely emtpy aside from 2 stairs at the front and back and a small walkway at the top of the stairs to connect to the doors, may be wider on any 3x3x2 habs for i do use [Place doors yourself] mod.

As a interrior decorator alot of mods that i use have rather high placables, most of wich i cant place becouse there a ceiling that interfere's with em, several modders have 2 story habs but they also added a 2nd floor to them. 

As for Deimos's interior, its basicly flat on the floor, & bright interrior, wich alows for easy carpets and floor mats to be placed, no need for extra walls or support beams on the sides, and seeing i use the [Better buildable Walls & Doors] mod there is no need for extra stuff like pillars or build in toilets/beds or stuff like that 😄

Greetings Riggnarock.

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