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Baldur's Gate 3

BG3 Nexus Mods after Update


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I know that we're still early on, but from the people who have tried to make nexus mods work with larian's system has it been successful? I kind of want to decide now if it's worth it to work through the issues or just cut my loses. I was really close to finishing a playthrough that I really really liked when the patch came through and made it unplayable. I don't want that to happen again. Also, so far I love Larian and have no reason to distrust them or their new update, but I felt the same way when Bethesda started doing similar things. That obviously didn't go well so this has me a bit on the concerned side. Even if I'm wrong does anyone else see were I'm coming from? Also, I like to use NSFW mods occasionally. Do you think that Larian will make it so you can't use those mods even if they're from nexus mods? Let me know what you're feeling and thinking even if it doesn't directly pertain to what I've said. I'd like to see how the community feels about everything

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1. Revert back to patch 6. Go to steam, rigthclick BG3, properties, Beta's > patch6 and finish your game. 

2. You can easily mix and match Nexus mods and Ingame mods (IGMM). I am doing a new run and am just installing everything fresh, mixing old ones, not even patch 7 updated from nexus, patch 7 from nexus AND ingame mods. So far without any major hick ups.

3. Get used to using both Nexus BG3MM and IGMM because not only will Larian not allow some mods, a lot of modders already decided never to use the IGMM.

4. Larian imo is not doing a paticular thing, its just: if you do something with the code, a lot of mods break. 

Edited by tom23
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Starting over from scratch? Like redownloading mods or a starting a new character?

I just updated to patch 7 started a new run, new character from scratch. Now i just download everything, both from Nexus (and i use BG3MM never Vortex) and the ingame ModManager.

I download stuff that is old, old and modder says it's patch 7 compatible, new stuff, stuff from ingame. No problems.

As our big friend Tod Howard would say: "It just works."

If you wanna play an old save, i guess it's better to stay on 6 and don't download new patch 7 updated mods. But i am no expert.

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