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7 Days To Die

Huge frame drop in 1.0 when dismembering heads


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Could someone say to me why each time I dismember the head (I don't know if it occurs when I dismember legs or arms, as I always aim head, I didn't notice), I have a huge frame drop (about 30 fps, which is really noticeable), it occurs especially with blunt weapons, with sharp ones the drop is a bit lower because the dismembrement is different, it's a decapitation, not a scalp or half cut of the jaw.


I noticed that each time I dismember, there is a weird effect, a blurry effect, I guess I have huge frame drop because of that.

I say that because, it already happened sometimes that I dismember the head without that weird blurry effect and I had no frame drop 😕


Could it be linked to a yellow message in log ? Each time I launch the game, I have this message: "Couldn't create a Convex Mesh from source mesh "Head" within the maximum polygons limit (256). The partial hull will be used. Consider simplifying your mesh"


I tried in A21.2. No message in console and no frame drop when dismember heads... It seems the issue is related to the message or 1.0 version as it run perfectly in A21.2.

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