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Need help with FModel (For Manor Lords)


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Hello lovely folks,

I've been trying my hand at modding the new early access game "Manor Lords" this out of pure love for the game and an interest into a harder modding scene. Yes I know this is not the best game to probably learn modding at since its being updated and such but I'm still committed.

Now onto my "issue":
I'm loading any .pak file from this game into FModel and when I want to look at the code (double clicking the uasset file corresponding to what I want to check) it fails to do so according to the following error:


CUE4Parse.UE4.Exceptions.ParserException: Package has unversioned properties but mapping file is missing, can't serialize
   at CUE4Parse.UE4.Assets.Package..ctor(FArchive uasset, FArchive uexp, Lazy`1 ubulk, Lazy`1 uptnl, IFileProvider provider, TypeMappings mappings, Boolean useLazySerialization)

Now what I understand from this is as it says it cant find any mapping files so I went to google and searched for a solution and was told I need to download and install "zDEV-UE4SS_v3.0.1". So I went and did that but unfortunately it still did not help with the same error as a result.

Here comes my question, what am I doing wrong or missing?

Ill add some informative images but if you need anything else to help me find a solution please let me know.

Thanks in advance



Schermafbeelding 2024-09-24 190421.png

Schermafbeelding 2024-09-24 190527.png

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