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Orkhepaj - Banned

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Account Banned - Orkhepaj

Orkhepaj has been banned from Nexus Mods for violating our community rules.


Inappropriate off-topic remark on a Nexus article
Discriminatory remark
Offensive language directed at a member of the staff
Misuse of the reporting system in order to harm another site member and a member of the Nexus staff

27 September 2024, 9:53PM - reply to Post 144490698:
yep , disgusting

27 September 2024, 9:51PM
what a disgusting f@!t
fu fascist !!!

Comment report 27 September 2024, 19:52
Report reason: Adult Content
Report: Additional details: racist bigot nazi supporter
Post author: * username *
Post content: Nice to meet you * name staff member *, I love the idea of ‘Get to Know Us’ series

From the Forum and Commenting Guidelines
We do not tolerate 'trolling' or harassment of any kind.

Content that can be construed as provocative, objectionable, discriminatory, or abusive toward any real-world individual or group, may be subject to moderation. This includes but is not limited to content involving politics, race, religion, gender identity, sexuality, or social class.

Do not post personally or generally insulting remarks towards someone else, or a group of people.

From the Reporting Guidelines
Using these tools to submit harassing, redundant, or frivolous submissions, may result in administrative action. Please respect the time of our staff by only submitting reports that adhere to the following guidelines detailed below. Failure to do so may result in an inability to respond to your report.


Below are links to where the infractions took place (where relevant). Some links may point to hidden, deleted or restricted content that can only be accessed by moderators.

Moderation History

Banned by zcul. This member received 0 formal warnings before they were banned.

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