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Can I add stubble to a .mor?


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In theory, yes. Stubble information is stored in the MOR, just the same as every other characteristic of the morph.

You'd need to first figure out what value to edit, and probably have experiment with the values entered, since there's no WYSIWYG editing capability for exported MOR files.

My first guess (and this is a wild guess, nothing more) as to which fields to edit would be under MORPH_NODES, Line 2 'FaceM1...' > 'MORPH_TEXTUREPARAM'; 'g_vFacialHairColour' and 'g_vFacialHairWeights' are likely candidates for the stubble parameters.

If it were my project, I might find an existing morph with a stubble appearance I liked, and try to copy over the stubble data from that morph to the one I wanted to use. Or more likely, I'd just recreate the morph in the toolset using the morph creator tool, and add the stubble there.

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