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Text for the quest "Mindnautics"


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Initially, I had the idea of creating a quest anthology. However, I believe it's better to focus on one thing and do it to a large scale. Plus, there should be more downloads for multiple mods than for one mod, even if it's constantly updated.
It's just a draft now, with a lot of filler lines. It's not finished and needs editing, as I'm not a native English speaker. Also, I'm not very good at creating locations, especially open ones.
So Mindnautics needs:
- Editor and additional writers (and ideas);
- Location creators;
- Unique models wouldn't hurt (like a duck)
- I'm sure I can handle game scripts for these quests, but it's better to know exactly what I'm doing.

Quest tags: Dark Sheogorath, Psychonauts, funnish.


Merfyn the Mindshaper (Breton): You - goo-goo, I - goo-goo. We all - goo-goo.
Jheronimus Orion (Imperial) in his camp with captured people: Greetings! Sit by the fire if your intentions are good, traveler.
1. Oh gods, what are you doing with these people? Are you an extortionist? A slave trader?
What? No! Oh, now I see what it looks like from the outside. Let me explain everything,  rightfully concerned citizen.
2. Successful raid, eh?
You mean... No! And there's not much righteous indignation in your voice if you think I'm a raider.
3. Who are these people and why are you holding them captive?
Oh, yes. It looks suspicious, doesn't it? But it was very good of you to ask me what's going on first.

(*) Ahem. You are speaking to a Vigilant of Stendarr. Cavort with any Daedra, and we will hunt you down. Like this Sheolite. Or Sheomite? Never mind! I do not distinguish between Daedra lovers, nor would I advise you to do so, good citizen. This cursed follower of Sheogorath, Merfyn, has been wandering through various the lands, stealing people's minds and placing them in vessels that he then hides. I have been tracking him for months, collecting his victims. This pursuit of a shadow would be enough for a book or two, no worse than Barenziah's adventures. In my humble opinion. What am I talking about?
1. Sorry, I didn't follow either.
Yes. I followed. That scoundrel.
2. You were chasing that madman who was stealing minds.
Yes. Thank you.

I learned a few things about Restoration in the city of Phrygias of High Rock. But all I can do is stabilize the victims without their minds. Sometimes the names of places he's been slip out of that bastard's incoherent speech, but I can't leave the sick. My only hope, and theirs, is that some adventurer will stumble upon me.
1. The plan is based on pure luck. Are you sure he is crazy one? Well, good luck to you.
Okay. If you meet a noble adventurer who is willing to help a bunch of people - send to me. I'll be here. Waiting for help. With a lot of money. For this supposedly kind and skilled adventurer. (Exit)
Do you remember our conversation, or shall I remind you?
4. Yes, remind me of yourself and what you want.
Don't you adventurers keep diaries for that sort of thing?->(*)
2. [Sigh] It's me, right? Give me the details.
I thought an adventure was supposed to be fun, but you sound like you're stuck in a rut.
3. Give me the mission already!
That's the spirit!

One of the minds has to be in [...]. You see, a mind is a rather ethereal substance, it has to be in a strong shell, like a skull. I wouldn't be surprised if it was hidden in a bottle. So go find a vessel with a strange contents in this place and come back for a reward. Just like finding any other item in a similar place.

Found it yet? Just kidding. I know it's going to take a long time. You adventurers are easily distracted.
0. Answer a few questions.
Consider me an open book. No, that's actually bad for me. Consider me an encrypted book, but you have the code.
1. How can you put a mind anywhere but in a skull?
Do you think that people transform into animals with much smaller brains and then return to human form without any problems? The energy that makes us individuals is temporarily stored in the clouds. And if something bad happens, it returns to the water with the rain.
2. Tell me about yourself.
I am simple a Vigilant of Stendarr. I happen to know a little more about minds and Restoration than most. So no one but me can deal with this problem. That makes me responsible.
3. Tell me about this follower of Sheogorath.
They call him Merfyn the Mindweaver. I admit, I'm not a big fan of giving sick maniacs amazing names. I think it stimulates them to some degree. If they had called them Snot or Pathetic Pants, there would have been fewer evildoers. But that's just my theory. Who am I, just a mind-spotter. Oh, this one's crazy, that's all you need to know about him.
4. Can't you give me all the locations with minds?
Yes, that would be clever, but it's not a word that applies to Merfyn. In his delirium, places where he has been sometimes appear. As soon as I understand where they are, I will let you know. And if you are a malefactor, stranger, we will not torture him. He is not stable, and I do not know how he will behave, maybe he will shut himself off completely.

Merfyn the Mindshaper (Breton in capture pose): You have imprisoned my body, but my mind is free! Free! I have you wrapped around my finger, ha-ha!
(The Mind of Madness) You are touched. We are all touched, but you are the most touched. Touched by the Lord Himself.
1. Why do you steal and hide the minds of others?
Why do others do what they do? The gods wanted it that way. So they wrote in their old notes. And then other gods wrote other notes. We are just symbols, not even puppets. And now gods want me to say: "Wiglypugly!"
2. How do you see the situation?
Why ask my view of the situation when both are constantly changing? Today I looked down with my head through my armpit and the view was great, and then I looked at the wall and the view was terrible. But the situation is great. I recommend it!
3. Do you want to escape?
Nah, I'm good. Where else can I find such tight ropes? Praise to Arden-Sul, the pain is great!

Bold Child: Watch yourself, grown-up.
1. Have you seen a vessel with something strange here?
Maybe yes, maybe no. How much would you give for "yes"?
1.1 (Illusion) You want to give me the vessel.
<50 No. I do not. Are you stupid?
>49 I want to give you the vessel.
1.2 (Persuade) This is a dangerous thing. You better give it to me or you might get hurt.
<25 Oh, classic scam. Aren't those shiny little round things also dangerous? Ha!
>24 Fine.
1.3 (Intimidate) For such a little rascal, all I have is a spanking.
As if you could catch me, Cornstalk.
1.4 (Bribe) Name your price, little racketeer.
Let's play a game. You bet a hundred gold, and I'll bet this thing.
1.4.1 I have no time for stupid games.
Then go play smart games. Without the thing you need.
1.4.2 Let's play 21.
[Blackjack with dice]
1.4.3 Let's play Rock Paper Scissors.
[Rock Paper Scissors] TES version like High King Jarl Thrall.

+Journey Inward bottle. 
Jheronimus: Enough time has passed to begin to expect you to fulfill my important mission.
2. Is this the bottle you need?
It looks like it. But to be sure, you must open it.
2.1. Me?
You. If something happens to me, will you be able to fix everything and also take care of the sick like me?
2.2.And I thought the task was just to bring you the mind vessel.
So, are you going to stop at such a boring go-fetch task?
2.3 And what do you think will happen?
Most likely you will enter the stolen mind. Try to find a way to heal it by finding and eliminating an anomaly of strangeness. For example, if there is a jolly cheese-man scattered from the sleeves of dancing mammoths riding purple dragonflies, then make him stop. Eat him or something. Improvise, I believe in you.

Do you see this little door too? Once you have opened the mind vessel, you must open it.

At drinking, summon (just enable) a little door leading to the Collective Unconscious: a room with many doors, butterflies, cheese, a live fox, and a draugr containers sitting on a Blackreach mushroom. Only door to Sanctuary is open.

Mindnautics: Sanctuary - based of ESO book A Gift of Sanctuary


Creepy (cave?) location with water on the ground. There is an island with a structure made of giant bones (including human ones), a boy and an untouchable chicken (named "Duck"). There is a hidden place, as if torn out of  a common room. On a bed lie men's and women's clothes, as if the wearers had simply disappeared. There is a place with non-aggressive skeletons and non-armored draugrs. They have normal voices (i.e. they will speak politely to the player, and if the player attacks one of them, the others will get scared, and then they will shame the player).

Boy: Come with me, sir/ma'am. Come.
1. Who are you?
Just a boy. Me and my duck friend are building a palace. Isn't it wonderful?
1.1 You mean that creepy structure made of human bones?
Like all adults, you don't understand. It's the most magnificent palace made of alabaster and ivory.
1.2 What a wonderful breeding ground for nightmares.
Typical adult. For you, a child who enjoys life and has found a purpose is a nightmare.
1.3 Can we talk about your "duck" friend?
He doesn't like attention. He's so modest.
1.4 Where are your parents?
They screamed and screamed and ran away. Adults...
1.5 Yes, that's good. Can I help you with anything?
Yes, we need more construction materials. Misters Skeletons have it, but they don't want to share. We must punish the greedy. Bring me their materials. Ten arms, five pelvises, and five skulls will be enough. Then I'll call you a friend. Mister Duck too.

2. That's what you wanted, creepy kid.
Excellent! Excellent! Mister Duck also thanks you too. And he won't kill you as a treat. And the moral of the story that you adults love so much: We should not be greedy and should share. 
2.1 Thank you! How did you know what I wanted for my birthday?
Don't underestimate children. We know many things. We know...
2.2 This is not enough! Give me a proper reward!
Ts. What a capricious adult I've met. Fine. Here's another trinket for you. (+ Potema Septim's skull reusable petty soul gem named First Sister)

2. Can we talk about your "duck" friend?
You helped us with the greedy skeletons, so Mister Duck will tolerate you for a little while. Mister Duck loves to talk, dance and play games. He also loves human flesh. We make up riddles, songs and insults. We are best friends and together we are invincible.
2.1 Human flesh?
Yes. Yes, right here it is, right on you. Raw, rotten, sucked from bones. I don't like it myself, but I'm not a duck.
2.2 Can I do anything to help the duck?
Silly adult. How can you help a duck? You are too weak.
2.3 I think he's a bad influence on you.
I don't remember asking for your opinion. You don't like my friend, and I don't like your... your... your shoes. Here!
2.4 Where can I find meat around here?
If you don't want to give up your flesh, then there were greedy Misters Undeads nearby.

When you approach the duck with the rotten human meat in the inventory, it will start chasing you.
Boy: Mister Duck? Okay, play with our new friend. But don't deform him too much!
The player must bring him to a boss arena. There, the duck will become mortal, but when it dies, it will transform into new monsters. Here are some ideas: Flaming Familiar, invisible Werewolf , Spectral Draugr, Skeletal Dragon, Malkoran's Shade (all with the name Duck).

After the boss battle: Where is Mister Duck?
1. Oh, now you ask an adult?
Using my own words against me? Typical adult.
3. He flew off to warmer climes.
And he didn't even say goodbye?
2. He is dead.
Nooooo! Huh? No?
It's weird, but I don't feel anything. It's like we weren't friends. And it's kind of scary in here. Please, sir/ma'am, get me out of here! (Ascension animation - the mind restored!)

3. (Illusion) You are under a powerful spell.
Your grown-up tricks won't work on me!
3.1 (Illusion>50) That duck is not what it seems.
No, it's just a duck! A carnivorous godlike duck!
3.1.1 (Illusion>90) I don't see any gods here, expect me - the god of illusions.
What? Who are you, Mister Duck? You are not a duck, Mister Duck! (the duck will becomes mortal and teleports the player and itself to the boss arena)
4. (Destruction) I don't want to destroy your illusions, but this is no duck.
Your grown-up tricks won't work on me!
4.1 (Destruction>60) That is not a duck.
No, it's just a duck! A carnivorous godlike duck!
4.1.1 (Destruction 100) Where have you seen ducks like that? Grow up already, kid. Live in the real world.
What? Who are you Mister Duck? You are not a duck, Mister Duck! (the duck will becomes mortal and teleports the player and itself to the boss arena)
5. (Persuade) This is a dream. Wake up!
<80 Is that a drop of sweat running down your face? You're not sure yourself.
>79 Is this a dream? That would explain a lot... Like the fact that I don't eat, drink, or age. Yes, that's...(the duck will become mortal and teleport to the boss arena)
6. (Intimidate) I think I'll have duck soup for dinner tonight!
Excellent choice of words! Mister Duck was going to eat you anyway. (The duck becomes hostile and deals 9999 damage. Game over.)

After the boss battle: That non-duck thing is dead?
1. I'm not sure anymore. But it seems to have stopped resurrecting.
Thank you. Now I know that I'm dreaming. Well, what a scary dream, maybe Vaermina kissed me before I went to bed.
2. Yes, the adult dealt with the big scary thing.
About that - Sorry, sir/ma'am. My mind is kind of cloudy. And this is a pretty scary place.
3. What? Nah. I think it will come back soon.
Please, sir/ma'am, get me out of here! (Ascension animation - the mind restored!)

Jheronimus Orion: The child returned to normal.
2. The first mind is healed.
Fabulous! You are a natural born healer! Was it weird? Like pancakes in the sky?
2.1. Pancakes in the sky are not very strange. They can be thrown up.
Yes, I'm bad at metaphors, everyone tells me.
2.2 It was simple. It wasn't real, was it? I wasn't in any danger.
Uhhh, probably. Ahem.
2.3 It was a living nightmare! Bone palace, killer duck, polite skeletons!
Oh, I didn't consider your mental state. Here, this should help strengthen your mind. (+Potion of Lasting Potency)
2.4 Yes, yes, whatever, where is my reward?
Well, I can see that you are a very busy person.
Here's the money and a bonus from me. A box with... not sure what's in it. I put loot I find on my travels in these boxes, and then I forget what's in them.
Box of Loot:
Event OnEquipped(Actor akActor)
     If akActor == Game.GetPlayer()
     Actor target = Game.GetPlayer()
game.GetPlayer().RemoveItem(AAABoxofLoot, 1)
game.GetPlayer().AddItem(RewardOne, 1)
game.GetPlayer().AddItem(RewardTwo, 1)
game.GetPlayer().AddItem(RewardThree, 3)
game.GetPlayer().AddItem(RewardFour, 3)


Child: You... I've seen you... Let me see your face... You are the one from my dreams... That man said I was sick and you saved me. I have nothing, but I can teach you what I know. The smaller you are, the less noticeable you are. (+1 Sneak)
Bye, good adult!

2. So what's the next place?
Regarding that... Actually, no new place. Happens when you rely on a madman. Silent as my ring finger. Maybe you should talk to him? The outcome is always unpredictable.

Merfyn: 4. Tell me where you hid a mind.
Beat me and I'll tell you everything!
4.1. You mean if I don't beat you and you tell me everything?
I meant when I said, what I meant when I said. Who's a madman here, you or me?
4.2. Can you tell me without beating?
Nope! Only a tough interrogation will loosen my tongue!
4.3. (Fists of Steel) [Hit him]
Whoa! Do you have heavy gauntlets hidden in your fists?
4.4. (Armsman>2) [Hit him]
4.5. (Barbarian>1) [Hit him]
Nice! Wider range! Work with your core!
4.6.(Persuade) So I've already beaten you. It's just that my strongest blows have wiped out your memory.
But I don't remember... Oh, you're good. And I also forgot the moment of my birth and tea party with Ius, Animal God.
4.7. (Female) (Allure) My touch must be earned.
But how? Oh, I know, can I tell you about the mind that I hid in [...]!
4.8 (Bribe) What do you need?
So that you can run around Skyrim collecting unnecessary trash. Bring me salt pile, Elves Ear, clothes iron and a tankard.
4.8.1 These are the items. (Elves Ear can be replaced with Falmer ear)
Yes, that's them. Now you can put them back.
OR just lower his health.
I hid the mind in [...]. You will never find out where!

Jheronimus: (beaten) Was that necessary?
(not beaten) And you know how to convince. I shouldn't count crows near you.
[...] then? You know what to do.

This time player just find it.

Mindnautics: Do Daedra Dream of Daedric Sheep?


Dremora (in farmer's clothing): Hello, fellow mortal! Great weather today!
1. You are Daedra.
Obviously. Although, needless to say, I started with the weather.
1.1 You are Daedra!
Still. And the weather is still great.
1.1.1 You are DAEDRA!
Well, what do you want? For me to eat you? Or do you think that a Daedra cannot be a peasant. What an ingrained stereotype! Even a lowly mortal can be one!
2. Is this your mind?
What, does it look like a mortal's mind? It must be the size of a dark trash closet.
2.1 Closets are not for trash.
Well, these are mortal things, I'm still a new at this. But do you agree with the size?
3. Do you need help?
Yes, I want to start my own farm, but the local authorities don't want to talk to me because I'm not a non-stranger. You have wild customs here. Can you register a farm in my name, mortal?
3.1. I'm not from here either.
What nonsense! You're from here, Nirnling.
3.2. But we are in your mind. Why do you need any permission?
It must all be believable for me to believe it. You retain your imperfect mortal form, as in reality, and do not change dimensions every moment.
3.3.Okay, I'll help. Registering a farm shouldn't be too difficult.

Some clerk in the House of Bureaucracy: 1. Can I register a farm here?
You will have to discuss this with the other clerks. Go to the man on the second floor.
Other clerk: 1. Can I register a farm here?
What type of farm?
1.1. Are there types of farms?
You came to register a farm without knowing about the types of farms? This is some kind of madness. Madness...
1.2. An ordinary farm.
There is no such type. 
1.3. To be honest, it would be more like a Daedric farm from Oblivion. Can you organize it?
Anything is possible. If it is in the official catalog. But there is nothing like that in the official catalog.
1.4. It doesn't matter which one.
This is unacceptable!
1.x.1. Can gold help?
It always helps. Do you have it?
1.x.2. Can I hire you for 100 gold to find a solution to this little problem? (100 gold)
1.x.3. (Persuade) We all know that I will persuade you. This is not the time to be strong, give in.
1.x.4. (Intimidate) Boo!
Okay, but you have to get the official papers from the woman on the first floor.
Another clerk: 1. I need the papers to register a farm.
I am going to lunch, come back in an hour or better two.
You have no conscience! Can't you see I'm eating?
(after 3 hours)
Well, what is there? A farm? Will plants be grown there?
1.1. No.
What are you trying to fool me about? Or is the spirit of antagonism strong in you? Answer honestly or leave. (stay)
1.2. I don't know, but it's a farm. So probably.
Let's write it down like that.
1.3. Yes.
Then it is a plant farm.
You need to go to the second floor to draw up a certificate. (new stage)
1. Can we..?
My dinner is starting!
Other clerk: 1. I need a certificate for a plant farm.
You need the form A7.
1.1. What is this bureaucracy? Did Tiber Septim conquer the world by breaking space and time for THIS?
Take it easy. Everything needs order, especially when managing an agriculture.
1.2. And where can I find this form?
1.3. And where can I find this daedric form!?
Ask the man on the first floor.
1. My head hurts!
At least you don't want to register a ranch.
2. I don't remember such bureaucracy in real life!
What did you expect? We're in Dremora's head, that's how he imagines mortals.
3. Fine!
Objectives are becoming more and more aggressive. Like "Survive this hell".

Some other clerk: 1. I need the A7 form.
I have run out of ink for the seal.
1.1. Is this a joke?
No. Ink can run out, it's not unusual.
1.2. Here. Buy it. (50 gold)
Thank you.
1.3. (Intimidate) Blood darkens with time. Great substitute for ink.
(Failure) Very interesting fact.
(Success) I'll probably ask my colleagues.
I think I can think of something.
Other clerk: 1. This is the A7.
So you need to fill it.
1.1. Fine.
You'd better not make any mistakes.
1.2. Gold and you fill it for me. (50 gold)
Fine, fine, I see that you are in a hurry.
1.3. (Intimidate) No slaughter and you fill it for me.
(Failure) This is an unacceptable bribe!
(Success) Fine, fine, I see that you are in a hurry.
Here's your certificate.
Other clerk: 1. Here's your certificate.
This is the wrong seal. Everything must be redone.
Stop yelling! Do you think I like it? (stay)
1.2. 500 gold!
1.3. (Persuade) Stendarr's mercy! Will a tearful, humiliating plea work?
(Success) Sure. These papers are meaningless anyway.
1.4. (Intimidate) Are you sure? Might be worth checking again? Maybe your bosses check your work too?
(Success) No need to ruffle the feathers. 
Here is your document. Confirm it with the man upstairs.
Some clerk:
1. If you send me to another place, I will send you to a place where the sun does not shine.
I feel some hostility. But what have I done? I'm just doing my job.
2. Confirm this certificate.
Yes, but you need a tax to open a farm. Only 10 gold.
1. Here's 100 and let's just get this over with forever. (100 gold)
I won't refuse.
2. Here. Please tell me we are done. (10 gold)
Congratulations on starting your career as a farmer!
3. (Intimidate) Can you pay from your own pocket? Do a good deed for today.
(Failure) Then I'll go bankrupt!
(Success) Errrr.. Sure.
Killing the clerks also solves the task.

Dremora : 1. It's over.
What's the matter with your face, mortal? Shouldn't you be thrilled to be crawling in the mud and wearing the rags you mortals love so much? Well, look and admire!
A farm with a vegetable garden appears out of thin air (just enable objects)
Oh no! Nirn invasion! Human infestation! Help!
Hostile hymans spawn in simple clothing.
Thanks for the good neighborly help, fellow mortal. Now all I need is some cattle.
1. Cows?
2. Goats?
3. Chickens?
4. Mortals?
Almost. These are all stupid, slow-profit animals. And I need werewolves. They have new fur out of nowhere every month. It's an endless gold mine!
1. But werewolves are intelligent beings.
Mortal, mortal, mortal... This is a very mortal-centric view of mortals. On the scale of Aurbis, the line between a chicken and a, what it is called, a Nord is insignificant. (stay)
2. This is brilliant!
I know. I thought of this a long time ago, but I keep losing notes about it. (stay)
3. So what needs to be done?
Find werewolves, of course! I'm sure you can find them in the nearest cave.

Werewolf Leader: What do you want, stranger?
1. Want to live on a Dremora farm?
1.1. (Totem of the Moon) Follow me to the farm, pack.
Um... Sure, alpha.
1.2. (Intimidate) Either way, I'm going to herd you to the farm.
(Failure) No.
(Success) Argh, fine.
1.3. (Persuade) But there is a better life waiting for you there.
(Failure) Trade freedom for a collar with silly bells? Never!
(Success) You know how to convince!
1.4. Money?
Why do we need money here? To buy game from preys? Especially in a Deadra dream, he doesn't even intuitively aware about money.
1.5. Maybe you need help? Anything I can do to make you trust me?
No, we have no problems.

Create and solve problems for werewolves.
Release rabbits from a pen: Yes, someone forgot to close the pen with our rabbits. Help gather them up.
1. And you will eat them?
No. It seems that our Daedra does not understand the physical absorption of living beings. Probably... probably, these are our pets.
2. I'm ready to help!
When activated on a rabbit, it is placed in inventory.
3. Here are your rabbits.
Steal their Totem of Hircine: Our totem is lost. Could you find it?
1. Okay, I'll look.
Please look.
2. I found your totem.

Dremora : 1. Do you need anything else?
No, everything is great!
1.1. I was actually supposed to heal your mind.
My mind works as it should.
1.2. You need to stop this.
No thanks.
2. So you don't need any help?
Listen, mortal, my mind is set as it should be. I will serve Sheogorath. If I have to go to another Prince's clan, I will set my own mind to it.

Jheronimus: 1. About the Dremora...
Oh, he's already unsummoned himself. But before that, he summoned this thing and asked me to give it to you as payment. I wasn't actually going to heal him, he was just an additional source of information. I was supposed to kill Daedra like the summer sun kills icicles.
Dirty Hoe - On striking the hoe has a 100% chance to cause a random disease.
When wielded the hoe has a 4% chance to inflict Ticklebritch on PC.
Ticklebritch drains Speechcraft.

When the player returns to the Vigilant, he will provide a new clue for a new mind, and something will be increasingly off. For example, his metaphors will sound more stranger and stranger. It will turn out that the Sheolite has been slowly driving the Vigilant mad. There may also be several solutions, one of which is to use illusions to force him to behave normally, i.e. a madman pretending to be normal. 

Other ideas of minds:


- A war veteran's mind is a constant battlefield (for example, the battle for the Imperial City in the Great War): You can bring victory to his side, give him inner peace, or lose, which means his quest has failed, but we tried. 
- An adventurer's mind is an endless dungeon, where Dwemer ruins become Nord ruins, they become Falmer ruins, and so on;
- A mind of a dying man: everything collapses and disappears. Or a condemned criminal who wants to reform;
- A Circus of Cheerful Slaughter: Arena level;
- A conspiracy theorist's mind: An excellent opportunity to implement some Elder Scrolls theories and create epic locations like the Spilled Sand. Dwemer mantled in orcs, Daedric Princes are mortal mages, Nirn is the Daedric plane of Mehrunes Dagon, robots (Kinetically-Interlinked Nirnian Multi-User Exoform) from the future have infiltrated society, etc;
- Arkved from Vaermina's quest from Oblivion. His mind is filled with surreal nightmares;
- A mind of an animal, like a cow or a dog;
- OK, I'll write it, you convinced me: A mind of a reader of the Lusty Argonian Maid.Side madmen, which can be found in the Collective Unconscious. The player can also get paid for them.

Side madmen, which can be found in the Collective Unconscious. The player can also get paid for them.


Dragonborn: Who dares to crawl in my presence of the god in moral flesh?
I should go.
Do not blame yourself, pest, only strong wills can withstand my pressure.
What is your madness?
My will is too strong to be abnormal. I'm a Dragonborn and the emperor of two continents - Uriel Septim V. Have you noticed the dragon army in Skyrim? It was I who flew them here from Akavir. Sorry about that.
Is that really how I look to the outside world?
What are you muttering about? Leave me alone, worm, or I'll eat your soul.
(Dragonborn) You are not the Dragonborn. It's me.
Oh, your head doesn't seem well. I'm surrounded by crazy people.
(Optional) Fus him
So you can shout. Well, obliviously I can do that too. Fus! Fus! FUS! Wait, why can't I get it? Something doesn't add up. I'm an Argonian, how can I be Uriel Septim V? Thank you for bringing me back from a waking dream.
Event OnMagicEffectApply(ObjectReference akCaster, MagicEffect akEffect)
    if (akCaster == Game.GetPlayer() && Quest.Getstage() == x && akEffect == PushEffect)

Velehk Sain: Yo-ho, landlubber skeever! Give 'ere yer booty or ye be walk a plank.
[Illusion>50] You are a simple Orc.
I be a simple orc.
Are ye mad wit' fear? That's right, fearrr me.
Are you a pirate?
A pirate be in yer pants, an' I be the gentleman o' fortune kin' o' the Abecean, the storm o' the sea - Cap'n Velehk Sain!
[Forgotten Names] I have met him, and he is a Dremora, not a female Orc like you.
What? You.. ye dare insult me? Darin' lad/lass. Wait! Somethin' be wrong. No, it can't be! I be the king! Pirate! No.. I am a woman with calluses on my hands. It's from physical work, not from battles. Something came over me. Probably the sun baked my head.

God: Hail, child.
Hail. Are you enjoying the life?
Yes. I wouldn't create life if I didn't enjoy it.
So are you a god?
Yes, child. I create life, enjoy it and watch it die to repeat it all over again. That is the fate of a god.
[Illusion>50] You are a mere mortal.
Your mage mind tricks won't work on me. I'm a god.
[Illusion>90] I don't see gods here. Expect me, the god of illusions.
I'm just a mortal? That's sad.
Are you almighty?
Yes, child. If you make a tomato salad, you can do whatever you want with it, nothing will stop you from eating it or sprinkling skooma on it.
So you can create an unliftable stone?
I can.
But if you can't lift it, then you're not almighty.
What the hell are you talkingabout? I have to go to work, create a silver ore from a hard labor.
I'm only human after all.

Pelagius the Mad: Kneel before your emperor!
Now bark like a dog!
Woof! Woof!
Now howl like a cow!
Now like a member of the Argonian delegation!
Errrr... What?
I protest! This is racism!
Shhhh... shhhh?
Great! Very similar!
Your Imperial Majesty?
Oh, just "Your Majesty", we are all friends here.
Sorry, I don't recognise you. Which emperor are you?
We are Pelagius the Mad. It's a shame not to know your ruler, but what else can We expect from someone like you?
Are you mad, then? So you can't tell reality from fantasy?
Yes, that is the definition of "mad" as opposed to "not mad". My subjects are stupid!
So you can't guarantee that you are Pelagius?
It is reasonable. Errrrr... I'm mad, who thinks I'm mad? Makes sense. So I'm normal?
[The Mind of Madness] I met Pelagius the Mad and you are not him.
You met Pelagius? This is madness. He's dead. So how can I be him? I'm not dead. 
I'm not him! Ha-ha! I'm not a mad emperor, just a madman! A great weight has been lifted from my mind.
Accept the emperor's gifts from me. No, wait, a simple gifts from a simple man.
So just a simple madman.

Madman in the Dark Room (with windows and doors forming a face on the wall): (The Mind of Madness) Ah, wielder of Wabbajack. Are you a wielder of Wabbajack? You carry this thing with pride, and you haven't thrown it in a dusty cupboard, have you? Have you?
Oh, come in, stranger, become unstranger. Just close the door on this side - keep out the draft and the shrieks of damned souls. I hate those things on Morndases/Tirdases/Middases/Turdases/Fredases/Loredases/Sundases.
(The Mind of Madness) We meet quite often, Lord Sheogorath.
This is more your problem than mine. Though if I get infested with mortals, it will be hard to get them out. Well, I'll look stupid with an anti-mortal cone on my head, so my enemies will have a funnier death. Win-win.
What is your madness?
Ha, good one, little mortal. My madness is reality. You see, I came here for a great harvest. Such sacrifices have not been made for Me in a long time. And I also caught something familiar. Someone familiar. More familiar than my face. That, and the fact that the minds offered to me were mostly demented, turned me blue. And when I turn blue, the people around me turn red. Such a cute little quirk of my demented mood. Hm... I lost the thread of the conversation before it even started. What do you want, meat pie ingredient?
Please free these people.
Free them? But they are already more free than ever. From the tyranny of common sense, from the shackles of morality, from the oppression of their own minds. I can free you too, little mortal. Free you for free.
I have already restored their minds.
Oh, foolish mortal. You only see what is in front of you. Or on the sides away from you. And what is behind you when you turn around. And you can also look up or down and sometimes diagonally, but never inward. You've peeled the husks off their enlightened faces, but all they are is Mine. I will return them to luxurious palaces where two beautiful lesbians, Mania and Dementia, with eyes blacker than coal, will wait for them to kiss them to death.
What can I offer for them?
Right question. The question of all questions. Everything should start with it. What. Can. You. Offer. For. Them. Ah?
What do you want?
I never created what is called this thingy? Ah! A Demi-Prince! Lend me your mind to conceive a Monster of a Mind. A child of the not-so-simple-mortal and the not-so-simple-Daedra-Prince. The minds of these people in exchange for your mind to breed the finest child of unreason.
Well, go away to your land of common sense and boredom. Or not? Maybe you did answer "yes", and that is your madness.
Do you agree to this nonsense? This... this is just some kind of madness! Madness! I see what you did there are, little mortal. Here are the instructions, you will understand everything that needs to be done.
(+The Folium Discognitum)
[The pages of this book bear near incomprehensible scrawls. When you look closer, the words move on the page to avoid your gaze.]
Event OnRead()
Debug.MessageBox("You received 2 perk points.")
game.GetPlayer().RemoveItem(AAATheFoliumDiscognitum, 1)


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