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I've cracked the code to Morrowind's beverages.


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I feel like a lot of the comments I've seen online are going from a Japanese bent.  This makes sense, there's some Japanese undertones to a lot of the Elder Scrolls lore.  For mazte and sujamma, however, I think people should be looking at Korea.  If you haven't heard of it; there is a beverage known as "makgeolli" which is similar to sake, but it's production is much simpler, and it's closer to beer in ABV.  Mazte is described as "saltrice beer".  The name is also similar enough for me to say that makgeolli was the inspiration for mazte.  Now let's look at sujamma.  Soju is a distilled spirit that can be distilled from, among other things, rice.   Traditionally having a relatively (for distilled beverages) low alcohol content; this is likely due to only a single distillation being done.  This means a relatively large amounts of compounds many would consider undesirable.  This would make a spirit that tastes strong and makes for a rough morning after consumption.  The name, again, is, similar enough to make me think soju was the inspiration for sujamma.

Now on to shein and greef.  It always struck me that comberry bushes looked quite a bit like coffee shrubs.  After experiencing a brand of vodka made from coffee fruit (the part you make coffee with is just the pit of the fruit), and thinking about comberry being described as bitter.  I am going to say that  comberry is coffee, and rather than making life-giving magic bean juice with it; the dunmer make wine and brandy with it.

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