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Unable to upload to creations - pc and xbox versions


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Hi all - wonder if anyone has had a similar problem and might know a possible solution.

I'm using CK 1.6.1130 with CKPE v0.5 build 59.

When attempting to upload updates of my mods to bethesda, I get error sounds, and an Assertion error box, hidden beneath application windows that cannot be viewed, with the application getting caught in a loop you have to manually break out of. Seems to be the case for both xbox and pc uploads. I've reported this to the CKPE nexusmods page but I'm not sure if it's active any more.

Thanks for any advice.

Crash info is...


====== CRASH INFO ======
    Code: C0000005
    Address: 00007FFC90551396
    Message: The thread tried to read from or write to a virtual address for which it does not have the appropriate access.

    RAX    063B5148063A3EF0
    RBX    000000003CDFDAD0
    RDX    000000007FFFFFFF
    RBP    000000003CDFDA10
    RSP    000000003CDFD978
    RSI    0000000000000000
    RDI    0000000000000078

    R8    063B5148063A3EE4
    R9    063B5148063A3EE4
    R10    000000007FFFFFFF
    R11    000000000000000C
    R12    0000000000000000
    R13    00000000FF3CC320
    R14    00007FFC905962F0
    R15    0000000000000024

    RIP    00007FFC90551396

    RFlags    00010283
    ZF    0    PF    0    AF    0
    OF    0    SF    1    DF    0
    CF    1    TF    0    IF    1

    LastError    000000B7

    GS    002B    FS    0053
    ES    002B    DS    002B
    CS    0033    SS    002B

    XMM0    00000000    00000000    00000000    FFFFFF00
    XMM1    00000000    00000000    00000000    00000000
    XMM4    00000000    00000000    00000000    00000000
    XMM5    E083C980    FFE0083D    400003E0    00001C08
    XMM6    00000000    00000000    00000000    00000000
    XMM7    00000000    00000000    00000000    00000000
    XMM8    00000000    00000000    00000000    00000000
    XMM9    00000000    00000000    00000000    00000000
    XMM10    00000000    00000000    00000000    00000000
    XMM11    00000000    00000000    00000000    00000000
    XMM12    00000000    00000000    00000000    00000000
    XMM13    00000000    00000000    00000000    00000000
    XMM14    00000000    00000000    00000000    00000000
    XMM15    00000000    00000000    00000000    00000000


Cheers - dafydd99

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Okay - from other sources I'm beginning to think there's Assertion fails within the resources of my mod. Could be that the CK didn't do these assertion checks until recently, and had previously allowed me to upload to Bethesda without caring. This happens with or without the CKPE installed, so I'm thinking it's a new core CK 'feature'.

There are a few messages (warnings) in logs. The best I've managed to guess is it's due to Assertion fails on a few of my nifs. The error it gives is...

ASSERTION: Motion Type not in known valid set. (e:\_skyrimhd\code\gamesln\bshavok\bhkrigidbody.cpp line 2093)

Seems the Assertions are all of this type - there's maybe eight or so of them - and they are given when creating a .bsa archive (ie the standard resource bsa, <modName>.bsa). Unfortunately it gives ZERO information as to which of the nifs in the mod (currently around 380!) it is concerned with. But it's pretty clear that for a given bhkRigidBody, some of the settings are incorrect.

So - my plan is to convert all the nifs to json using sniff (really handy tool!), then, as my command line unix (grep, find etc) is reasonably good, I'll track down the settings of bhkRigidBody and try to isolate the handful of files that might be incorrect. Now, obviously I've edited these in NifSkope (again amazing tool!), and they've allowed whatever incorrect settings I've used.

BUT - although I have a vague idea what are considered valid sets for the settings, I'm uncertain EXACTLY which ones are. I'm guessing it's to do with Havok Filter (+Havok Filter Copy) Layer settings combined with Collision Response (+2), Motion System and that the Motion Quality (Quality Type) must reflect these, and indeed you get some 'tooltip' help in nifskope, but it's hardly conclusive.

Can anyone enlighten me, or point out a better method for fixing these files? Perhaps there's a batch system some has written to correct invalid nifs?

Many thanks - this one is taking forever to fix!

Cheers - dafydd99

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