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Better arnsenal Deagle issue


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I downloaded the desert eagle and tried with both resolutions and 2 colurs and in both the Deagles textures are blinking between black, a bricked like texture and silver. This time it was installed right. Is there any solution to this issue?
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Well if it's the mod I'm thinking about


there are like 4 different desert eagles in there



You can only use one of them at a time


and have to pick between the low or high resolutions for them



What you have is two textures being applyed to one item



It wasn't hard but I took this mod an made it where you can use all of them at the same time


I used nifscope and geck to do this, but it's not finished so I can't release it yet



is it the mod that has the two black desert eagles then a dragon one, a gold one, silver one

all made by different folks

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