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Some vendors do not work when creating .esm


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I created a mod with some vendors and they work great in my .esp file, but when I convert the file to a medium master or full master (read somewhere that it could solve the problem, but my file is for medium master), some vendors have nothing to sale (the one selling food) or don´t sell what they are supposed to (one vendor that sells chems and another that sells outfits). Let me state again that they work ok in the .esp version and it is only on the .esm version that they have this issues. Please, let me know whatever solution you think it may work and I´ll try it out. Thanks!

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It is stating 4 errors. As I can see, it is about the NavMesh (I could not NavMesh the levels under the landing plataform in the exterior area, since it was giving me a CTD, I only NavMeshed the landing plataforms), Other error, aparently was about a Spaceship AI Actor (whatever that means) and an error about Worldspaces, where it found a null reference. I tried to check about these errors on xEdit, but since I don´t have a clue what I´m looking for, I found nothing 🙂
I also tried to check the vendors and their chests, and found nothing that cought up my attention.
Cleaning unused masters brought back no results. It said 0 unused masters were found.
What do you mean by a clear view of my record structure?
Thanks again for your time and help




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The unresolved snap link references lead to 02xxxx records, this could be a part of your mod missing after the conversion (CK problem) or some phenomenon linked to the new shattered space dlc not registered as master. I don't have it to compare so I can't know if 02xxx lead to some extra BGS master that isn't there or just your mod. But it shouldn't work like that and I think references are missing from your mod, pointing towards useless records added by the CK perhaps.

But xEdit is known not to be fully operational for medium and small masters and probabvly the new dlc, so it could also be a problem with xEdit itself.

If you send me a full esm version in personal message (not captures, i can't see anything on them) i could have a look on the global structure, but I don't know if I will be able to help, especially if it's linked somehow to some of the new dlc records.


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Sure, I can send you the .esm, the .esp or both (it´s quite a large file, about 65 mb). I´ll be sending you first the .esm, as you requested and it is that one that is giving the issue. If you need it, I´ll send you the .esp, just let me know

Edited by vmroche
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This thread states that the maximun file size is 500kb and the Message app states that the maximum file size is 2.44mb. My .esm is about 62 Mb and 56.6 Mb zipped. Probably I can give you a Dropbox link so you can download it from there. Let set that up

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