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How do complicated faction relations work?


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We have four factions. The NormalGuys are enemies to BadGuys, but friends to the NiceGuys, and allies to the GoodGuys. NormalGuys have no faction relations with eachother.

We have Bob. Bob is part of the NormalGuys faction. Bob is indifferent on doppel-Bobs, but a Very Aggressive Bob might attack other Bobs.

We have Terry. Terry is part of the BadGuys faction. We know that Bob would hate Terry. This is seen regularly in-game.

But then we have Joe. Joe is part of the NiceGuys faction and the BadGuys faction. Joe is Bob's friend and enemy at the same time. How does Bob feel about Joe?

Then we've got Jim. Jim is part of the GoodGuys faction and the BadGuys faction. Jim is Bob's ally and enemy at the same time. How does Bob feel about Jim?

Then we also have Zug-Niltoth. Zug-Niltoth is part of all of these factions, making it simultaneously an enemy, friend, and ally of all. How does Bob feel about Zug-Niltoth?

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My observations are:

(a) Faction or actor hostility trumps any nutral/friend/ally faction relation.

Which is why Aggression=2/3 and Aggro Radius on nutrals is toxic cancer to try manage/override for my random spawning.

(b) An actor being hostile to a target via FactionA is SOMETIMES transitive to other actors in factions they are a member of Faction B, C, D typically when there is a trigger event like crime/combat rather than passive. SetCrimeFaction() are favorite for this.

I have not run any tests on the actual conditions, so get going with Actor.IsHostileToActor() and Actor.GetFactionReaction() and let us know.

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