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player alias script is greyed out


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Hello All,

I am new to modding and the creation kit and i am trying to make a simple quest mod. I need to add scripts to the player alias to allow for an defultrefonadditem that will start my quest. However when i got to the script section of the player alias the option to add scripts to them is greyed out and i can not add one. 


Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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If you have just created the alias you need to save it, save the quest, save the ESP then open again.

Also if your trying to use "defultrefonadditem that will start my quest." to start this quest it wont work .... as the alias will not be filled and script active until the quest is started. 

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I am trying to start a quest by picking up a data slate. I have a scripts on the data slate to setstage of my quest using "defaultrefonread" and "defaultrefoncontainerchange". I have made sure that both of these set the correct stage in my quest but nether is activating it. I would greatly appreciate some guidance on this if you can offer any.



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