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[Request] Armored Core VI


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This is probably an impossible task (coupled by the fact that the modding scene seems a bit quite to my knowledge), but...

As we know, the scale of Armored Core VI is insane, with that insanity being amplified by the fact that you pilot a 10 meter hunk of metal that can go, like, mach 2-ish. And, as someone who likes to exit my mech quite often in the "AC-like" Daemon X Machina, it got me thinking...What if you could view the game from the perspective of a human? I propose that there could be a mod that either shrinks down the player's AC to human size, at least. Camera and all. Cause like, remind you, everything in ACVI is to scale.

On the other hand, I'm not sure FromSoft's engine has been cracked like that. Such drastic changes may very well be unexplored, especially given AC6's core gameplay...

Regardless, there's my proposition. Don't really expect anything, but...Worth a shot, right?

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