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Note to modders: The Starborn ship can be used to add non-modular ships

Guest deleted80903

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Guest deleted80903

There are now several standalone Starborn ship mods that don't replace the base Guardian ship.

The Guardian ships have a model that works differently than the base game modular-styled ships that you build piece by piece.

I just had an epiphany and realized that this means modders can use custom models to make their own standalone "starborn" ships.  They won't be as customizable as the modular-styled ships but will allow for greater style and variety to be added to the game.

I'm just throwing this out there... because maybe one day Starfield modders will actually deliver on Elite Dangerous' failed promise to allow players to walk around in their ships.  lol (and no, I don't mean the modular facsimiles on the Nexus)


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