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Stardew Valley

After updating my mod files something is weirde..


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i am new to modding and this is my first problem i have. I palyed today normaly like the past days. After a 3 hour break i wanted to rejoin the game. To my suprise SMAPI was showing me that i needed some updates. I dowloaded alle needed files and replaced them with the old ones. I can start the game now but it doenst load correct bc there is an error. Hopefully someone can help me. Here is the smapi log: https://smapi.io/log/4acf89e19626407ca63c7702c8472cb7


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I would try reinstalling your frontier farm mod, because it look like the problem is there in logs. by reinstalling I mean completely deleting your frontier farm folder. then download and  installing the frontier farm from the stardew valley expanded nexus page. I would do this manually versus using a mod manager if your using one.

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