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Looking for Interior Level Designers - Revelation Blues


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Hey Folks

We, the team at Revelation Blues (A mod recreating Van Buren in FNV) are looking for Interior Designers right now! Our current guy, Dayglow, has had it rough from tornadoes, cars flying over his head to even corporate assassins threating his life. If you got what it takes to be part of the team, then let's hear it! That means anyone who has experience using the GECK and has made interiors. If you have posted them online, then that is a great bonus! Any way to showcase your work helps us greatly! 🛠️ 

P.S. As of right now we are working on the Burham Springs worldspace and are looking to get a demo out the door. The map is done, the exterior NaveMesh is completed, and NPCs are slowly being added in. Granted at the times of asking this (Being November) I am sure most of you are busy with real life work which is fair. 

P.S.S. To be very clear, if you have NO experience with the GECK then that will be a hard decision for us to make. The only thing that can counter this, is if you really have passion and self-motivation to learn the GECK and study interior level design. Else, we really do not want another 'idea-guy'. That is all👍 


BS_80A (1).png

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Hey! im def not green when it comes to the geck and i am more than capable for interior level design including mild and creative scripting. im fairly well versed in the geck overall so theres not much i have a real hard time with( except ai packages for some reason, whats the deal with ai packages am i right?

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