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[Mod Request] Play Together.


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They did this for Skyrim, and have it working well, but that mod allows quite a few people to play along.
This game wouldn't need more than two people, honestly, and could be made such that the other two people play as one of the squadmates.
The issue is how to allow those two people to see all of the conversation cutscenes?
I love this game, but always wished it was co-op.
I have a friend who said that if it ever gets made, he would play this game with me all the time.

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I talked with my friend, and this is what he had to say.

1. The priority would just to be able to play as one of the squadmates while on the missions.
2. Being able to see the cutscenes/dialogue is not the priority, but would be cool if possible.
He notes that the host can just stream their game on Discord, so anyone playing along can see these things that way.
3. Being able to walk around on the ship between missions as for instance Wrex would be cool, but not required.  Again, those playing along can just watch the stream on Discord.


Is this even possible?  It was done for Skyrim, but can it be done for Mass Effect Legendary Edition?

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