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Animation Planner Menu for GTA: San Andreas (original)


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Hello, could anyone hop onto this or help me make it?
I really want something like this.

What it should do and how it should work is:
1. When we enter the game world, immediately after we load a new or existing game, a notification should pop up on top saying "To open the Animation Planner, press the = button".

2. When we press the button a menu on the right is shown. It is a boxed menu, with the mod name on top, just like every map folder has its' name on top and contents inside.

Now, detailing the menu. It should contain in total 5 "major" options/buttons to be selected, which include more options/buttons once you get "inside" of them by clicking them.
The major options are as follows, and in this order:


"1. Target NPC/Player
2. Show Current Target

3. Write Animation Plan

4. Load Animation Plan (1 plan)

5. Load Animation Plan Lineup (multiple plans)"


____ Clarification: the menu should include the notes in the brackets ____


Pressing "Target NPC/Player" should expand the menu's selections and allow us to use an in-game cursor to select nearby npcs, to select the player himself. It should as well allow us to target NPC's using TAB (display this explanation in the menu itself, don't leave it in Readme files). Likewise, it should also provide the ability to open an NPC Spawner box, similarly to the one most SA:MP servers use. To target an NPC or Player an arrow should be displayed above them, just like the arrows when you shoot or recruit gang members.


Pressing "Show Current Target" should expand the menu, showing us the actual file name of the target, should highlight the target with an arrow as mentioned above. If possible it should force the camera to face the target when pressed. This button is in case of errors or in case the player does something else which by some mistake stops showing him who he targeted.


Pressing "Write Animation Plan" should expand the menu, providing us a selection of buttons, but "Write Animation Plan" can only be selected if an NPC/Player is targeted, we will

see what the target is called and be able to press "Scan and Browse Animations" which is self explanatory. Upon the completion of the scan, we will be shown in category drop down menus, as "Walk", "Run", "Dance", etc categories. What the mod cannot categorize, it should be sorted as "Uncategorized Animations" drop down menu. Upon selecting an animation, it will play and we can tell the mod (using the menu on the right) if we want to "Save" the animation as a number or name. We should also be able to choose how long the animation plays, the mod itself should tell us how long it actually plays for, so we can decide if we want to stop it at a certain point. After selecting and saving the animation, we can continue to add up animations inside the menu. The core idea is to have a way to dictate animation placements, as if constructing a movie. So, let's say we saved two animations that we want to play back to back, the same menu should provide us a button which expands another menu, call it "Define Animation Lineup" and you can use a drop down menu which shows saved animations, you will then be able to select them and assign placements in their order of play. Placements should range from 1 to 500 max, so a scroll wheel should work here, if not possible, create pages within the menu and lower it to 300 max placement spots. After defining a placement, we can save it within the menu, and give it an appropriate name. We can now continue to write animation plans if we so desire and all of them will be stored inside the menu under a "Saved Plans" category.

Pressing "Load Animation Plan (1 plan)" should allow us to select one saved plan, and it will play out once we hit start. We should be able to set when it stops and if it repeats, and for how long it repeats. Upon pressing start, all menus, notifications and HUD should disappear, and reappear only once it ends.


Pressing "Load Animation Plan Lineup (multiple plans)" should allow us to select multiple plans to play out all at once. This can help keep the player more organized. We should be able to set when it stops and if it repeats, and for how long it repeats. Upon pressing start, all menus, notifications and HUD should disappear, and reappear only once it ends.


- The mod should be compatible with San Andreas Camera Hack.

full animation list: https://sampwiki.blast.hk/wiki/Animations
full model/npcs list: https://sa-skins.netlify.app/


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