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[WIP] Detour


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Good news, bad news.

Good news: I’ve finalized the "default“ playthrough. The mod would be ready for testing if I blocked certain outcomes (namely, kept major characters essential). However, one of my rules for this go-round is not to rush production and/or force endings (e.g., Russell).


"Bad“ news: Release will be delayed again so I can implement two gated, post-ending quests that are triggered by specific deaths (or in one case, all of them). Both will be set in a new worldspace. This will be complicated, but necessary.


One of the goals for my new mods is to maximize player agency as well as npc mortality; almost anyone can be killed, though some will have to wait until the climax (e.g., SGFN). I also believe in fleshing out these consequences whenever possible, hence the late-stage addition of the scripted quests.


Thank you for your patience; I look forward to sharing the mod when it’s in a polished state (and with multiple endings provided).

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Okay, make it one epilogue quest (now complete). No more feature creep.

Still revising and polishing dialogue, then I'll implement scripted encounters. It's taking longer than I'd anticipated, but I want to get it right.

Edit: Speaking of polishing, I had to correct my grammar.

Edited by SomeRooster
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I’m adding two small side quests that foreshadow future mods.

Revising and polishing of dialogue continues.

When the side quests are complete, I’ll open it up for testing. Once testing is complete, I’ll begin auditions for voice work.

I believe the finished product will be comparable to The Inheritance in scale.

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Work continues on dialogue. I've implemented the following:

- Low-intelligence options for selective topics, particularly Terrifying Presence.

- Expanded dialogue and characterization for LeMay, who is quite possibly the most malevolent character I've ever written. I mean... it pushes the envelope, even for me.

Two small-sidequests will fill empty real estate, as I have a full-blown complex about not leaving vanilla buildings unused when I utilize them in mods. One quest will be rather dark, while the other involves sheer buffoonery.

Feature creep 2, SomeRooster 0.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Progress to date:

- Polished dialogue for multiple characters.

- Continued improving slave sidequest. It will have three endings.

- Implemented unique skill books and miscellaneous artwork.

- Greatly expanded LeMay‘s dialogue; he’ll have regional barks like Cass or Russell. Scripted encounters are possible as well.

- I want to implement two more sidequests after the San Salvador mission. Sorry for the delays, but I‘m so far beyond my original plans that it doesn’t matter now. I won’t rush the release on this - lessons learned.

Thank ya‘ll for the support!

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  • 2 weeks later...


The bakery "sidequest“ is nearing completion. There may be a small sidequest in addition to it, but that’s TBD. I want to wrap this up and begin work on my Followers mod, not to mention Born to Lose.

Once I finish this quest and polish the epilogues I’ll start scouting for testers and PM anyone who’s already reached out.

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I'm ready whenever since I just started setting up my energy weapon wielding cowboy modded playthrough. Don't worry on taking to too long since I understand quest mods need to be polished as best as they can be to give maximum joy to the modding community (and to see another Alchestbreach quest playthrough aswell). 


I'll test it on a TTW playthrough and a bare bones Viva New Vegas setup to make sure it's all good to go.

Edited by TwitTwatTit
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