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Considering an action a crime


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I've been stuck on this issue for quite a while and any ideas would be appreciated!

So basically I have created an Activator and an associated script fulfilling a purpose. What I'm interested in doing is considering the action to be a crime, so if any member of a specific Crime Faction observes the event they'll send out an alert and a set amount of gold is added to the players bounty.

My current solution, which almost works, revolves around launching a quest at the onset of the activation which has an Alias conditioned upon detecting the Player. If the quest fails to launch then the action is considered unobserved and the script proceeds otherwise it doesn't (see Script idea below). I'm stuck however how to consider the action a crime and initiate the Alert. I can initiate a SetPlayerResistingArrest if the observing actor is a guard but that won't make them Alerted and it won't work if the observing actor isn't a guard which is desired.

As I said, any ideas would be appreciated!


scriptname NewCrime extends ObjectReference

Quest Property ControlQuest auto
Int Property AddBounty = 1000 auto
Faction Property CrimeFac auto

Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)
	If akActionRef == Game.GetPlayer()
		If ControlQuest.IsRunning()
			'Proceed with naughty action'


Edit: For anyone interested the rather crude method that seems to work best is to create an Alias in the control quest for an item, created in the Alias actor that was conditioned to be observing you at the quest start, and then running SendStealAlert on that item Alias.

Edited by MaggyCostello
Found a method that works.
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