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Mods to Make Items Static / Stay in Place


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I like using these:

Placeable Statics - Move Anything, and Jaxonz Positioner Converter Remastered.  They work well together.  The two mods can do stuff that the other can't, so it's recommended to have both installed.  The mods don't get in each others' way.  So, that's nice, too.

Jaxonz Positioner has the ability to pick up and move something and drop it, or to lock it in place.  That way, you don't accidentally run into it and kick it out of place.

As for stuff that pops out and shoots across the room.  In my case, what I do is create a hard save before I do anything, so that if something like that happens, I can go and reload the last save.  For example: before entering the house, or when loading a save game after starting up the game.

Sometimes, just going into the house causes stuff to explode off the tables or off the shelves.  Reloading the save, puts everything back and, for whatever reason, corrects whatever it was that caused the explosion in the first place.  Also, loading a save after starting up the game may cause things to explode all over the place.  I just reload the save game, and that corrects the problem and stops the unknown thing that made everything explode all over the place in the first place.

I've seen stuff on shelves move around just because you opened the safe next to the shelves.  I don't know what does that.  I think Jaxoz Positioner may fix that.  Select the item, and then lock it into place.  I haven't tried that, actually.  However, I think it will work, because there were many times that I had my character sit at a table, and all of the plates, cups and food would get moved around, or would giggle around.  So, I used Jaxonz Positioner to fix everything in place.  Now, when my character sits, nothing on the table gets bouncy...

I hope this helps.

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