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Specific NPCs get randomly hostile against me


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I need help to find out is causing me this trouble so I am gonna leava link to my modlist.

Sometimes, some NPCs in Whiterun, including Lydia start being hostile against me and using the command player.stopcombatalarmonactor don't work. Also using Simple Offence Suppression doesen't work either.

Before posting this I experimented and got thisexamples:

  • With Alternate Start, select to be a mage in the college of winterhold and after some time go to Whiterun and see that those NPCs are hostile.
  • With Alternate Start, make a speedrun to appear in Whiterun as fast as possible, those NPCs aren't hostile. It is possible that the mod causing the problem didn't have time to load.
  • Reloaded the first Save in a previous state, teleported to Whiterun -> NPCs were hostile.
  • Reloaded the first Save in the same previous state, teleported to Whiterun -> NPCs were NOT hostile (I don't understand).

Could you help me to find out which mod is causing this trouble? Thanks in advance

Edited by ElectroDash24
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