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Help with DECALS


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I am making a mod for FOLON. Anywhere I place a decal, it shows in CK perfectly. When going to the game, it appears just the first time I enter the cell. It doesn't matter if it is an interior or an exterior cell. After coming back to the cell, the decals are gone.

I have tried to use primitive (in project decal tab) and/or to generate precombines and previs. I have also tried to place them on different surfaces, placing the arrow at different distances and angles from the surfaces. I have tested this with both original FO4 decals and FOLON decals. Also combining several decals on the same surface. The result is always the same: all decals just disappear after returning to the cell. I could not find a solution to that after searching for quite long (even watched the very long and instructive video of Neeher). Is it somehow related to any visual settings or something else?

Observation: decals placed by the FOLON devs suffer the same defect; I went to Candem, checked a couple of decals in Albert House, went to a nearby interior, returned and the decals were gone (specifically among them Folon_Decal_106, but not only).

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  • 3 weeks later...

Afaik, that's a known bug of the fallout 4 engine. It just doesn't handle projected decals very well. I think they only "respawn" after a certain amount of time has passed when re-entering an interior. It's a real shame that Bethesda hasn't fixed the issue after all these years.

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  • 1 month later...

Thanks, I did not see your reply until now. Yes, I can confirm your explanation: the decals only reappear after a very long since the first visit to the cell, regardless of being interior or exterior. Very inconvenient. I tried all possible tricks I found around to make them persistent, giving them locreftype etc, but nothing worked.

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I have found that decals in the exterior vanish after entering an interior and exiting it again.
It is a very annoying bug.

Reminds me I've got to replace some of the street marking decals in Concord mod with custom NIFs, because of that issue.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Niston, thanks for stopping by in this discussion. I asked also to neeher on a message and he also responded the same (he published a video using extensive decals back in the past). I really tried plenty of different things but nothing works: using the primitive instead of the arrow, inserting the must persist keyword, giving the decals a locreftype... I saw the disappearance both in interiors and exteriors, for modded and non-modded areas... Brrrr! Your solution must be the only possibility, unless there is a way to change how the decals respawn.

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