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Future of Tamerial


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This sounds really interesting gollum! Very creative!


I hope it will get released ( or atleast the demo) before Oblivion ships, becasue when it does, I wont be playing morrowind that very much, or mod for it.


Keep up the good work!


Yay :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

You're joking, right?


I'll be... amused... when this comes out. IF it comes out.


I'll be sure to check it out. But seriously... this sounds rather... ahem, bad. :P

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The Flood is not like Moas Arc it is Global Warming the Factory preduced so much heat it melt parts of the Ice caps and some of the Contidents Shift do to volcanic activity Plate Tectonics


...Contidents? Moas Arc? You on crack?

Dude, global warming? :laugh2:


You can Use Olden Day Weapons, Modern Day Weapons, and Furturistic weapons


You might want to choose a time period and stick with it.


At any rate, your project leader (coughgollumcough) really needs to get a freaking english tutor. And seriously, you need to start organizing your ideas and maybe show the level of rational thought that is befitting of a Morrowind modder.




Also, you might want to become slightly more original. I mean, jesus, Yamoto Empire? XENONAGA!? Are you THAT stupid?


Your storyboard is freaking messed up. Dude, your saying that everything is FLOODED in Tamriel. So they go to a new land. Fine and dandy.


ONE age LATER, they're making "LAZER"s. It would take them vulkING FIVE vulkING AGES to REBUILD EVERY vulkING THING THEY LOST.






You make me sick.


I'm queasy now, and slightly light headed.

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Himmler I know you are new to this site and I hope you will continue posting.


However, please refrain from making any more posts like that in the future. We all know that Gollum666 has created a very ambitious task for himself...and your post does make some very amusing and agreeable points...however you need to tone it down. Posts like the one above are unnacceptable here.

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This is why I rarely go out of FotD. I tend to offend people wherever I go. If I was Gollum I would have left the "gorillamen" idea in. As un-PC as it is, I don't think that the idea of a mod should be changed to fit to a social standard that is far too high. Rediculously high. You can't say anything without being "racist" or "unfair" or any other such nonsense. :angry2: It's absolutely rediculous that such things control society today. All this spouting of "equality" and "fairness" is the path to communism.


"Ambitious" may not describe the scope of this task. What Gollum needs is a team. He has some okay ideas, yes, but what he needs is a crack team of fluff-writers. It does however seem he has the scripting end of the project covered.

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