mangettinghitbyfootball Posted November 25, 2024 Share Posted November 25, 2024 Just as the title states. At random moments, seemingly whenever the game feels like it, the game crashes when I crouch. I have tried to recreate it, but there seems to be no rhyme or reason as to when the game crashes during this action. Sometimes crouching is fine, other times it crashes the game. I've used a crash logger before, and got this message: Please, help me. I love New Vegas and am experiencing some tough times rn, closure would really help. delLoader::Subroutine00439EB0 NiAVObject::ConditionallyUpdatePropsAndControllers NiNode::~NiNode NiNode::Dispose NiNode::Unk_18 NiPointer::operator= Tile::AnimateTrait Tile::AppendContainerOperatorToTrait Tile::AppendSrcOperatorToTrait Tile::AppendToTile Tile::DiscardRenderedNode Tile::GetAbsoluteDepth Tile::GetAbsoluteXCoordinate Tile::GetAbsoluteYCoordinate Tile::GetAnimatingTraitEndValue Tile::GetContainingMenu Tile::GetFloatTraitValue Tile::GetNearestNiNode Tile::GetStringTraitValue Tile::GetTrait Tile::GetOrCreateTrait Tile::HandleChangeFlags Tile::HandleTraitChanged Tile::NiNodeIsNotCulled Tile::ReadXML Tile::ResolveTraitReference Tile::Label0058FBA0 Tile::UpdateFloat Tile::UpdateFloatFromSInt32 Tile::UpdateString Tile::XScrollIntoView Tile::CreateTemplatedChildren Tile::UpdateTemplatedChildren Tile::Dispose Tile::Unk_01 Tile::GetType Tile::UpdateField Tile::Unk_06 TileRect::Dispose TileRect::Unk_01 TileRect::CreateRenderedNode TileRect::GetTypeID TileRect::GetType TileImage::Dispose TileImage::Unk_01 TileImage::CreateRenderedNode TileImage::GetTypeID TileImage::GetType TileImage::UpdateField TileImage::Unk_06 Tile::Extra::~Extra Tile::Extra::Dispose Tile::Value::AppendConstOperator Tile::Value::AppendContainerOperator Tile::Value::AppendSrcOperator Tile::Value::~Value Tile::Value::DoActionEnumeration Tile::Value::HasStringValue Tile::Value::RemoveAllExpressionsAfterFirst Tile::Value::SetFloatValue Tile::Value::SetStringValue Tile::Value::UpdateInboundReferences const char* menuPathDialog g_formHeap Tile::Extra - 0x%08X - 0x%08X: %s Exception %08X caught! Calltrace: Instruction pointer (EIP): %08X REG | VALUE eax %s | %08X ebx ecx edx edi esi ebp 0x%08X | 0x%08X | 0x%08X | 0x%08X LISTING MODULE BASES ... GAME CRASHED AT INSTRUCTION Base+0x%08X IN MODULE: %s Please note that this does not automatically mean that that module is responsible. It may have been supplied bad data or program state as the result of an issue in the base game or a different DLL. UNABLE TO IDENTIFY MODULE CONTAINING THE CRASH ADDRESS. This can occur if the crashing instruction is located in the vanilla address space, but it can also occur if there are too many DLLs for us to list, and if the crash occurred in one of their address spaces. Please note that even if the crash occurred in vanilla code, that does not necessarily mean that it is a vanilla problem. The vanilla code may have been supplied bad data or program state as the result of an issue in a loaded DLL. CobbCrashLogger.log CobbCrashLogger Cobb Crash Logger Version %d.%d.%d, build %d. If this file is empty, then your game didn't crash! Probably! OBSE version too old (got %08X; expected at least %08X). incorrect Oblivion version (got %08X; need %08X). NVSE version too old (got %08X; expected at least %08X). incorrect Fallout New Vegas version (got %08X; need %08X). Unknown exception bad array new length string too long Error initializing symbol store 0x%08X ==> %s+0x%0X in %s (0x%08X) EntryPoint 0x%08X ==> ¯\(°_o)/¯ (Corrupt stack or heap?) 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DogsBarking Posted January 22 Share Posted January 22 I had a weird crouch glitch too where for some reason whenever I pressed P my character would crouch even though I didn't assign it to do that Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Theeohn Posted January 22 Share Posted January 22 Having the exact same issue, and the exact same crash-log file... Checked tons of things and all I can deduce is the newest update to NVSE messed with things. But the timeline of NVSE releases doesn't add up with your post. So I'm clueless, and just as tired as you are of these new random crashes. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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