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Just another T-Pose ADXP|MCO problem


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Hello. Didn`t find favorable response or solve of this problem on this forum, so sorry for starting this theme again. I have a problem with T-Pose in Skyrim AE 1.6.1179.0.8 GOG. I installed ADXP | MCO with all reqs, but my char as well as enemies strikes t-pose while atacking. Trying to resolve this problem all day. Can`t find a solution. Can someone help me?


Снимок экрана 2024-11-27 201022.pngСнимок экрана 2024-11-27 200810.png

Edited by M3rCuRy1990
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Are you making sure to click "Update Engine"?

The order is:
1. Check the boxes of the mods you've added to the list (In this case Attack MCO)
2. Click "Update Engine"
3. Click "Launch Nemesis Behavior Engine

If that doesn't work, double-check that you have all the req'd mods installed. Even the req'd mods need other mods to function.
This has happened to me before. Good Luck.

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Maybe, or better - probably, a stupid question (or 2). Have you installed some animations? Sorry - had to ask because i have experienced this before. The second question is have you still non-ADXP/MCO animations running for exempel sheath or non combat idle? If so and you are using for eksempel Better Vampires (as a Vampire) you have to deactivate the Weapon speed + in the MCM of BV because otherwise all animations non ADXP becomming so slow that it looks like T-Pose. Maybe some other mods with weapon speed adjustments doing the same?

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