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Frosty Error "when trying to load game using specified profile"


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I've been using Frosty for years mostly for Dragon Age Inquisition. Never seen this error before now. I'm trying to set up DA: Veilguard but I when I select the application it states "There was an error when trying to load game using specified profile". I've searched online and only found one person mentioning this error but it was years ago and for a totally different game and I couldn't figure out how to fix it from there.

I'm playing through Steam (same way i play DAI which works fine with Frosty). Any tips are very appreciated :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Having an odd problem...I already went through all these steps a while ago, then got a new PC and am trying to re-install Frosty...however, I can't enter the encryption key for veilguard, because the actual box I can copy/paste it into is not there! It's like the pop-up needs to be resized because words are cut off and there is no text box, but there's no way to do that. Anyone have any advice? I dont want to play Veilguard without  mods 😞

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On 12/4/2024 at 11:37 PM, LuminescentHeart said:

I had the same problem, it seems to be working now by following this link: 

this guide shows where to find the encryption key: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1F6X8fjh6RS_IHX7cqx36lyhCEpLPZSYknki-M28w_K0/edit?tab=t.0 

Hope it works for you 🙂

I followed everything here, and it works as of writing! Thank you so much for posting this!

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