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What is the best way to implement new enemies?


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Hello all. 👋

I'm currently working on the dialogue of some new enemies, and would like to start planning how to implement them into the game.

Ideally, I think they should be found in the same areas, but I am not certain how I should tackle this. My usual course of action is to load up each cell and manually place new additions, but because these particular enemies operate well as a group, I was wondering about custom Encounter Zones and Leveled Lists--neither of which have I worked with before.

Reading about Encounter Zones gave me the impression that they edit not only the loot found on enemies, but in the surrounding area as well. I don't want to disrupt how the cells normally are, just add more enemies. I'm also puzzled about to handle the different versions of each enemy.

Most of them have a variety of outfit colours to choose from and will have a few different faces. It would be great if the game could randomly select which ones to spawn in on its own, but I don't want to cause any incompatibilities with the default Leveled Lists, so hopefully editing them is not required.


Any tips, links, or advice would be much appreciated. Thank you for reading.

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