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Formal and Outerwear Outfit Mods Are Invisible


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I haven't played DAI for over 2 years, and a few months ago the hard-drive where I keep my games exploded, resulting me losing the mods I had for Inquisition. I've been slowly rebuilding my mod collection this week, but I've come across an issue when it comes to mods for the Formal and Outerwear outfits (at least for my Female Elf Inquisitor).

When I go try on the formal and outerwear outfits after installing the mods (through Frosty Mod Manager), my character just turns completely invisible. I've tried a number of different formal and outerwear mods (both Frosty Mods and DAIMODs), but they've all had the same problem. The mod I have for the Skyhold pajamas (the Elf Pajama Replacers by Toarie) works perfectly fine, fortunately; it's just the formal and outwear mods that I'm experiencing this issue with.

Edited by LiliumSnow
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